View Full Version : Disinfecting/Sterilizing Water Tank

01-18-2009, 11:50 AM
Ok, I picked up an old Lesco tank that apparetnly was used to hold chemicals. I spent about two hours cleaning out the inside of the tank. I didn`t notice any odor from whatever chemicals were stored in there, and I know the tank has been sitting for a long time. I want to take an additional step to disinfect/sterilize the tank but wasn`t sure what to use - bleach, chlorine, etc. Has anyone experienced this before - any recommendations? For a $100.00 I couldn`t pass up the deal for a 200 G tank with frame and spicket already installed.

01-18-2009, 12:07 PM
The important thing is to find out what was originally stored in the tank.
Water will dilute what was in there, but I would hate to see you try to disinfect the tank with bleach if the tank had a chemical with an ammonia base (that would not be good)

Any way to fnd out what the tank originally held? There should be some type of marking on there and you could then check for it`s MSDS for ways to neutralize it.

01-18-2009, 12:13 PM
Baking soda & vinegar or bleach are a good cleaner..where you can not reach with brushes...Here is the link to a thread that I started about cleaning out 5 gallon water bottles


01-18-2009, 12:27 PM
Dang that might be a task I had to go through like 4 people just to find the guy that was selling that tank - took like 2 weeks lol. We`ll I left a message hopefully he`ll call back! The tank had like a reddish residue in the bottom of the tank but no markings on the tank to indicate what was in there.

01-18-2009, 12:34 PM
If the guy that you got it from was the original person he should be able to let you know what was originally stored in it.

Good luck getting in touch with him.

01-18-2009, 12:47 PM
Shuddleston: Your best bet would be to find out exactly what was in the tank.
You cannot disinfect chemicals, you can only disinfect a bacteria type of residue.
Chemicals must be identified and neutralized with another chemical, such as an acid
or base. or even just plain water if the chemical is water base, or solvent if solvent
base. I think you should really track down the chemical type, as it could have been
highly toxic and you can be putting yourself at risk. Or on the other hand it could
have been a fairly safe chemical. Trace this chemical if you can to be sure. Be safe.

01-18-2009, 12:51 PM
Did some research recommended using trisodium phosphate cleaner when the chemical was unknown 6lbs to 100 gallons?

01-18-2009, 12:55 PM
Give it a shot, see what happens. Good luck and be safe.

01-18-2009, 04:50 PM
Thanks everyone - love this site. Just a few more things to get in order and I`ll be up and running for Summer!