View Full Version : Layering EXP

10-16-2008, 10:36 AM
Over this last few weeks, I`ve had the chance to put a fresh coat of EXP on my JB BMW.

I started out three weeks back with polishing with the PC..swirls where not that bad...then I went for the BH...let the set up over night and laid down a coat of EXP....coming into the next two weekends I cleaned up the car and applied another coat of EXP...making that three total.

I can say that I`ve not be an advocate of layering same products...I`m not the guy that thinks, one coat looks good but two would be better or three, etc.

I have noticed over this last weekend that they car cleans up faster, I am noticing less marring in the paint....with a JB car you notice it pretty fast.

My point is that I do see the benefit in layering a LSP to some level...I don`t think that I will apply any more..will depend on how bored I get over the weekend:D

Another thing is the car is real shiny, even more so that just with the one coat...I didn`t think that I would see that!

Any thoughts on layering LSP?

10-16-2008, 10:40 AM
I believe it helps up to a few coats (2-3) as it is building upon itself and making sure coverage is complete. When we put down these micro-layers of products and then buff them off, I`m not sure how much is really left, so re-application, ok not as many as rabbi :D , only helps to make a stronger barrier to the elements.

10-16-2008, 10:55 AM
Any thoughts on layering LSP?Layering has never been my thing, but I have read enough posts about finishes looking better after a 2nd or 3rd application that I think there might be something to it. I have usually done a couple of applications, but that was more to assure even coverage than anything. Maybe my waxing/sealing every few weeks would be considered layering. Depending on my mood, I might wax/seal at anywhere from the two week to the six week mark.

I do know from my old army days that shoe polish/wax can definitely be layered on leather boots to give them a mirror shine.

10-16-2008, 01:36 PM
Put on 15 coats of EXP you won`t be disappointed!:D.:passout: