View Full Version : Is This Spelling & Grammar Contest?

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09-27-2008, 10:54 AM
I have to point my finger at myself for this one at times. When we are online posting in any forum are we subjected to using the best spelling and grammar?

My point is, in the hand full of forums I post, some are so critical of me and others for grammar and spelling errors.

One thing that I have noticed in the last several years are writing skills. I try and take notice of where the person is from. If its another country, then I don`t think much of it. I look at it this way, if I could speak another language that would be great, to read and write it, that`s whole new level!

However the general level of writing and communications skills in online forums can be atrocious.

I may not be the best at it, but I at least try to get it readable. I am not condemning anyone for their skills just making note of it.

If its readable with minor errors who would care as long as they can get their point across. After all what are we here for? grammar and spelling lessons or to talk about a given subject?

09-27-2008, 11:39 AM
I have to point my finger at myself for this one at times. When we are online posting in any forum are we subjected to using the best spelling and grammar?

My point is, in the hand full of forums I post, some are so critical of me and others for grammar and spelling errors.

One thing that I have noticed in the last several years is writing skills. I try and take notice of where the person is from. If it`s another country, then I don`t think much of it. I look at it this way, if I could speak another language that would be great, to read and write it, that`s whole new level!

However the general level of writing and communications skills in online forums can be atrocious.

I may not be the best at it, but I at least try to get it readable. I am not condemning anyone for their skills just making note of it.

If it`s readable with minor errors who would care as long as they can get their point across. After all what are we here for? grammar and spelling lessons or to talk about a given subject?

Awesome i found some errors lol. It was very hard since i suck at grammar and spelling big time haha. I have not seen any forum that criticizes on that matter. In fact i see so much of abbreviations on them only because everybody knows how to read it now. It`s much faster too :rockon

I`m just joking with ya Dave ;) :yikes:

09-27-2008, 11:44 AM
I don`t really pay much attention to spelling and grammar on most forums because people really try to say it with less in a forum post I`m not the best speller in the world so I try not to point a finger and when it comes to grammar I ain`t very good either the only thing that really bothers me is the run on sentence I just can`t stand seeing someone who doesn`t know how to use a period when writing you know sometimes more is less and sometimes less is more well I hope I`ve made my point very opaque.:D

black bart
09-27-2008, 11:50 AM
Is This Spelling & Grammar Contest?

If it is I"m in trouble. :)

09-27-2008, 11:56 AM
The written word is something to cherish and not despoil!! With that said ...I remember posting about not wanting to capitalize letters since it is just a forum What does it matter? Over the years of posting I have changed quite a bit. I think my postings have as well.

It is good to be cognisant of our internet demeanor. Is it not what we all come to know??? The written word is not far from eating food and you know what they say about food..."You are what you eat!! It is not any different for the wrtitten word.

I usually liken posts that are improperly worded or structured to be one of inexperience.

I certainly undertsand your feelings,BB:D

09-27-2008, 12:11 PM
Here are my thoughts on people who try and correct other on spelling and grammar. They need to get a Freakin Life.

My problem with spelling and grammar online is that i tend to type it as i would say it and sometimes that does not come out the same as if you were talking in person with someone.

But like i said screw those who do this they need to get a life.

black bart
09-27-2008, 12:20 PM
While my spelling is not the best my main problem is typing errors.

I hit the wrong key and if I don`t proof read before I summit my post it will have miss spelled words.

I would never criticize someone for their spelling.

09-27-2008, 12:35 PM
Yep that is my problme most of the time as well.

09-27-2008, 01:07 PM
Yep that is my problme most of the time as well.

:D I hate when my fingers do that!

09-27-2008, 01:28 PM
I`m staying out of it!:passout:

09-27-2008, 02:04 PM
It certainly isn`t a contest, but I don`t think using good grammar and proper spelling and punctuation should be ignored.
If I start a post that turns into a run of words with no punctuation, I just stop reading it.
Others that don`t make any sense to me after afew words or lines, I handle the same way.

Just think of how many posts you have read in the past month or two that were just a big collection of words with no punctuation bad spelling no way to know when a sentence begins or ends and when a subject has been changed if that is what you enjoy good for you I don`t care for it although it is easy enough to just ignore rather than get into a pi$$ing match over it since it really isn`t going to have much effect on the world in general just a few crackpots like me and it won`t be a problem for me since I won`t be likely to read it anyway the ones I reed will make at leest a litle cense or I won`t bother with reeding them how do you know when to shutup when you aren`t using punctuation the post just seems to go on forever :blabla::blabla::blabla::blabla::blabla:

09-27-2008, 02:06 PM
What I was getting at, it`s not a contest, but using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation is never a bad thing.

09-27-2008, 02:23 PM
For one thing, it makes you look more intelligent to have correct spelling and grammar. I would take someone`s advice a lot more seriously if they can capitalize the first word of each sentence, not use run on sentences, use the correct punctuation and assemble a coherent post.

Someone who can`t do that (something that has been pounded into them since elementary school) - with minimal errors - is someone who I generally ignore when posting. It`s irritating, it`s lazy, and it wouldn`t pass muster in professional life.

09-27-2008, 03:59 PM
I never make mistakes.

black bart
09-27-2008, 04:37 PM
I never make mistakes.That is what I tell my wife. :rofl