View Full Version : Interesting local car show

09-24-2008, 09:05 PM
Earlier this year, an all Chevy car show took place here in Ankeny. It was done as a fundraiser for Ankeny School Athletics and it was such a success, they are having another one to benefit the Ankeny Art Center.
Hey, cars are art, right? :)
The first one had a target of raising $12,000. It raised almost $42,000. Pretty impressive.
The one for the Art Center is by invitation only. (For $50, you can get invited :))
They will have over 125 vehicles representing the Chevrolet models introduced to the public from 1912 to 1975.
This will include all Corvettes built from 1953 to 1975.
Every vehicle is roadworthy.
Are you impressed yet?

Here`s the real kicker.

All these cars are owned by one person. Is that unbelievable or not?

A local Chevy dealer, Karl Chevrolet, is also very active and 100% of all proceeds they raise go to charitable organizations. :bigups:bigups:bigups

FWIW, the collection is valued at 8 million dollars.

09-24-2008, 11:06 PM
There better be some pics of this...he only has 123 more cars than me!

09-25-2008, 06:42 AM
There better be some pics of this...he only has 123 more cars than me!
There sure won/t be any pictures from me. :)
There`s some information about him and his cars on the internet, but I have no idea how many pictures are shown.
Just Google Dennis Albaugh.
Here`s a link that shows a few.
Some of Dennis Albaugh`s cars. (http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2008/06/dennis-albaughs-collection-in-alkeny.html)

black bart
09-25-2008, 08:44 AM
The one for the Art Center is by invitation only. (For $50, you can get invited :))

[/quote]This is becoming all to common.
I have noticed in the last couple years the cost for entering a show is up and the number of awards and the size is DOWN.

I know that the reason they have the show is to raise money but they should not lose site of the fact that if people like me did not spend countless hours working on our cars and tens of thousands of dollars their would be no car show.

It would be nice if out of the thousands they take in they could spend a couple hundred for decent awards.

Most shows don`t even buy the awards they get businesses to sponsor them.

I know that a lot of owners of show cars feel as I do and have cut back on the shows that they go to.
These peoples greed is going to kill the goose thats lays the golden egg.

09-25-2008, 08:52 AM
These peoples greed is going to kill the goose thats lays the golden egg.[/QUOTE]

I ran a charity car show this summer, although I didn`t have a huge turn out we raised some money for charity. I had about 2500 dollars in prizes all donated from businesses, mostly car, car related. A little leg work will give you some pretty good prizes

black bart
09-25-2008, 09:08 AM
These peoples greed is going to kill the goose thats lays the golden egg.

I ran a charity car show this summer, although I didn`t have a huge turn out we raised some money for charity. I had about 2500 dollars in prizes all donated from businesses, mostly car, car related. A little leg work will give you some pretty good prizes[/quote]
YEP and the guys with the show cars will come to your show.
Example of what I"m talking about this summer their was a car show a quarter mile from my house and the day of the show I drove 75 miles to a show in Ohio.

Every week I have a choice of several shows to go to. Some who have the really old cars try to stick close to home but my car is fun to drive and it took me less than an hour to drive the 75 miles.
I have a friend that also has a car that is geared for running on the road and we go out of state several times per year.

If you put on a good show they will come. :bigups

09-25-2008, 12:50 PM
I doubt that Albaugh has anything to do with setting prices.

The one for the school was a $10 admission, kids free with a $20 entry fee for the car show.

Chances are the art center people are calling the shots on the one this week.

I read somewhere that his donation of his facilities and collection has raised over $750,000 for various charities.

Ankeny is blessed with some true high rollers that have returned an awful lot to the community.

09-25-2008, 01:16 PM
Are you impressed yet?

Here`s the real kicker.

All these cars are owned by one person. Is that unbelievable or not?

A local Chevy dealer, Karl Chevrolet, is also very active and 100% of all proceeds they raise go to charitable organizations. :bigups:bigups:bigups

FWIW, the collection is valued at 8 million dollars.

Heck, I was impressed with an invitation to go for fifty dollars.

The showroom floor :bow Wow that is some display area!!

09-25-2008, 01:38 PM
Heck, I was impressed with an invitation to go for fifty dollars.

The showroom floor :bow Wow that is some display area!!Keep in mind that the area shown is not at the Chevy dealers, that`s just part of Albaugh`s storage for his Chevies.
He has at least one director and two full time mechanics.
He is also considering expanding the present facility. He isn`t done yet.

black bart
09-25-2008, 04:19 PM
Looks like owning a Chevrolet dealership is very lucrative. :drool:

09-25-2008, 04:49 PM
Looks like owning a Chevrolet dealership is very lucrative. :drool:
The car collection and the garage shown are not the Chevy dealers.
They belong to Dennis Albaugh who is in the agricultural chemical business.

The Chevy dealer in Ankeny is Carl Moyer.
Karl Chevrolet (http://www.karlchevrolet.com/site/)
Quite successful in his own right, but Albaugh is about #799 in the world for wealth and #105 in the U.S.
Probably #1 in Ankeny, but like I said we have some heavy hitters.
Dennis Elwell and Don Lamberti are a couple of names that come to mind.
All three, Albaugh, Elwell, and Lamberti are self made successes.

09-25-2008, 07:06 PM
125 cars????
even i didnīt have 50 hot wheels...
thatīs like a kick in the face to my poornes...(i think i write it ok)

09-26-2008, 08:42 AM
125 cars????
even i didnīt have 50 hot wheels...
thatīs like a kick in the face to my poornes...(i think i write it ok)

Interesting comment.:hmmm: It is funny how when I read the amount of cars that the man had I was going thru a scenerio of ......"Man, I wish that I had made better decisions in my life so I could have a car collection such as this."..... I did not feel insulted. All I was thinking about was:ideaoo.... "How do I emulate him?"

09-26-2008, 04:28 PM
Took me a while with the Dave Albaugh name. Then when I was out componding on my 856 IHC tractor, I remembered where Id heard that name. His compamy makes lots of off patent chemicals for ag and probably commercial use. 1 that I have used from his production is GLYSTAR PLUS, it is a generic ROUNDUP, it cost when I last purchased it was 1/2 of Roundup Ultra a couple years ago. They also have generic Trifluralin, 2,4D, and a lot of others I dont even know about. Amazin what a person remembers when working on a certion peice of equipment or vehichle, even which direction Im facing makes a difference..