View Full Version : Duragloss forcing people to buy?

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08-31-2008, 02:01 PM
How can I say no.
Great products.
Great prices.
Great shipping $4.95 on any size order, WOW
Discount code. [10-25] for 10% off, even on one bottle,
phone in orders.
I like the way they do business at duragloss.
I wanted to try the #105, but I ended up with
#105, AW, FCAS. Do to the 10% and shipping
policy. Plus they`re sending samples I requested:)
Was I forced into buying duragloss products?
I think I was more like convinced into buying.

Duragloss :yourrock

08-31-2008, 09:09 PM
What discount code? All the ones I`ve seen have long expired.

08-31-2008, 09:22 PM
Call Duragloss tell them you`re a member of
Detail city forums and they should honor
the 10% discount code. The code is: 10-25
I talked to the owner Bill, and asked about the
code box on the web site, he just told me call
in the order and use code 10-25 to get the 10%.

08-31-2008, 09:39 PM
Ahh. Yeah the code doesn`t work so I was baffled.

Good to know :)

08-31-2008, 10:28 PM
A good company will offer some intensives in order to get you to buy their products...what the are doing is getting you to reorder again, and do just what you did by starting this thread...referral biz.

I`ve not tried any of the DG products but from what I have read on DC about them they look like top shelve stuff...let us know how they work out for you..please

08-31-2008, 11:42 PM
Will do Beemerboy,as soon as I get them.
I`ll post my opinion of them.

black bart
09-01-2008, 08:14 AM
How can I say no.
Great products.
Great prices.
Great shipping $4.95 on any size order, WOW
Discount code. [10-25] for 10% off, even on one bottle,
phone in orders.
I like the way they do business at duragloss.
I wanted to try the #105, but I ended up with
#105, AW, FCAS. Do to the 10% and shipping
policy. Plus they`re sending samples I requested:)
Was I forced into buying duragloss products?
I think I was more like convinced into buying.

Duragloss :yourrockYou made no mention of 601 if your car has wax you should use 601 to get maximum durability.

Before using DG I was using Pinnacle Souveran but here is how I see the difference between the two.

DG Looks just as good but has more gloss
DG 105 cost 10 Bucks PS 90 Bucks
DG will last 6 months easy PS 6 weeks
DG is faster and easier to apply and remove.

AW is awesome product you will like it. :bigups

After using DG products I now know it is not necessary to pay the outrageous prices that most products charge for their detailing products.

Once more people come to that conclusion you will see the price drop.

Example of the markup is AG is selling PS buy one get one that is a 90 dollar discount for buying a jar.
That is a good discount but it also points out just how much markup their is in that stuff.

09-01-2008, 11:38 AM
Black bart: I plan on using a prewax cleaner
before applying the 105, I have mothers FX
on one of the cars, carnauba on parts of the other car. So I will preclean. The camaro has S100 which so far has given me the best shine, it has to look good for shows, the other cars are daily drivers. So i need durability.
I just wonder if the duragloss will out shine the
S100 on the camaro? Different looks I know, sealant
look vs carnauba, I`ll have to experiment I guess.

09-01-2008, 02:06 PM
Duragloss 601 is not a prewax cleaner, it is a bonding agent.
From the Dura Gloss site:

Duragloss PBA (Polish Bonding Agent)

Is similar to an epoxy (A&B) and bonds chemically when it comes into contact with durable polishes. Duragloss PBA will double the durability and protection of polishes when applied prior to polishing.

09-01-2008, 02:10 PM
Different looks I know, sealant
look vs carnauba,

105 is actually known to have more of a carnauba look versus a sealant one.

black bart
09-01-2008, 08:09 PM
105 is actually known to have more of a carnauba look versus a sealant one.Looks very similar to a wax to me also.

09-01-2008, 09:16 PM
Charles: I think as long as you preclean the paint
and remove all the old wax products, the #105
will bond fine, I think wax will cause bonding
problem. Just preclean with wolfgang paint work
polish enhancer, Megs#80, or any good precleaner
polish. I have S100 paint cleanser, maybe I`ll try
that, it`s so easy to use, and leaves a great shine
ready for sealing or waxing.

09-01-2008, 09:27 PM
Duragloss 601 is not a prewax cleaner, it is a bonding agent.
From the Dura Gloss site:

Duragloss PBA (Polish Bonding Agent)

Is similar to an epoxy (A&B) and bonds chemically when it comes into contact with durable polishes. Duragloss PBA will double the durability and protection of polishes when applied prior to polishing.

Charles: I think as long as you preclean the paint
and remove all the old wax products, the #105
will bond fine, I think wax will cause bonding
problem. Just preclean with wolfgang paint work
polish enhancer, Megs#80, or any good precleaner
polish. I have S100 paint cleanser, maybe I`ll try
that, it`s so easy to use, and leaves a great shine
ready for sealing or waxing.I have no problems using a cleaner prep prior to the 105. I have and have used Klasse AIO, Optimum Poli-Seal, Poorboy`s PwS, Four Star UPC, Meg`s #80, S100 PC, Duragloss 501, and I think any of them would leave the paint ready for the 105.
My reason for using the 601 is strictly for the increased durability that Duragloss says it will give.
It may not be necessary, but it is so economical and so easy to use, it seemed like a good idea. :dunno:

I really can`t vouch for the durability of many products because I usually apply more of something every 4 to 6 weeks. I think every product I ever used still looked good when I felt I needed to wax again. :)

09-01-2008, 09:44 PM
I just thought the products I have on the shelf,
would work fine to preclean before the 105. I will
get some with my next order, they sent me samples
with my order, and pba was one I requested.

09-01-2008, 09:58 PM
I just thought the products I have on the shelf,
would work fine to preclean before the 105. I will
get some with my next order, they sent me samples
with my order, and pba was one I requested.
I think you are correct.
The intent of the 601 seems to be to increase the durability because of some chemical reaction between the 601 and the 105.
The 105 probably will be fine over just the precleaned paint, but it might be even better if you use the 601. :)
Sounds like you may already have a sample of it, right?
It takes a very small amount so your sample will most likely do a car or two for you to see if it is of any benefit.
Better yet, do one vehicle with the 601 and another without the 601. You might be able to compare the results in actual use. I say might because comparison tests are tough to get good information from. Lots of variables can skew the results.