View Full Version : Less than 3 weeks now...

08-19-2008, 02:29 PM
And I`m moving :rockon Official date is September 6th.

I planned on moving late July or early August, but I decided to wait until the beginning of September so I could sort stuff out better before I leave. Kinda worked out for the best, got a new motor/tranny/t-case in my Jeep, got into the place I origonally wanted to rent, and I`ve got a few different part time jobs lined up as well which makes me feel MUCH more secure about moving. I`m going to do what detailing I can but I`m not going to push it (Who has details done in the middle of Winter in Tahoe anyway? :) ) I`ve got a guy who owns a 4x4/fab shop who`s going to put me to work as soon as I get up there, and I applied at a local auto body shop and home improvement place. The only thing for-sure right now is the 4x4 shop job, but I plan on getting a job at Kirkwood this winter. I`ve got a ton of crap to do in these next few weeks, I think I`m just going to bust my ass until like September 2nd and then just take the last few days off to really get everything squared away.

So if any of you folks are up in South Lake Tahoe this winter lemme know, I turn 21 in less than a month now so I`ll buy some drinks or something :cheers:


08-19-2008, 03:23 PM
Best of luck to you Dolan!

Mr. Clean
08-20-2008, 09:07 AM
I can still (sorta) remember my first foray into the world and out of my parent`s home. Walking around my apartment was exhilarating. Knowing that I was totally responsible of myself, should have been sobering, but I was young, 10 feet tall and bullet proof. :)

Enjoy your move and new freedoms.

08-22-2008, 05:14 PM
I can still (sorta) remember my first foray into the world and out of my parent`s home. Walking around my apartment was exhilarating. Knowing that I was totally responsible of myself, should have been sobering, but I was young, 10 feet tall and bullet proof. :)

Enjoy your move and new freedoms.

I`ve lived on my own for just about a year now, so I`ve already experienced those freedoms. I`ll never give them up and move home :D

And i know what you mean about being bullet proof :cheers:

08-22-2008, 08:27 PM
Good luck with the move. We are moving again next weekend I hate it. Need to fix credit so I can buy a house and move when I want to lol

08-22-2008, 10:32 PM
And I`m moving :rockon Official date is September 6th.

I planned on moving late July or early August, but I decided to wait until the beginning of September so I could sort stuff out better before I leave. Kinda worked out for the best, got a new motor/tranny/t-case in my Jeep, got into the place I origonally wanted to rent, and I`ve got a few different part time jobs lined up as well which makes me feel MUCH more secure about moving. I`m going to do what detailing I can but I`m not going to push it (Who has details done in the middle of Winter in Tahoe anyway? :) ) I`ve got a guy who owns a 4x4/fab shop who`s going to put me to work as soon as I get up there, and I applied at a local auto body shop and home improvement place. The only thing for-sure right now is the 4x4 shop job, but I plan on getting a job at Kirkwood this winter. I`ve got a ton of crap to do in these next few weeks, I think I`m just going to bust my ass until like September 2nd and then just take the last few days off to really get everything squared away.

So if any of you folks are up in South Lake Tahoe this winter lemme know, I turn 21 in less than a month now so I`ll buy some drinks or something :cheers:


Dylan....I`ll come up and party with you...we rent a house in Myers in Feb...at the very least you can come over for a good cooked meal with our gang!!

08-24-2008, 12:28 PM
Dylan....I`ll come up and party with you...we rent a house in Myers in Feb...at the very least you can come over for a good cooked meal with our gang!!

Definitely :cheers: I almost got a place in Meyers, but it wasn`t what I expected when I got there. I might be working at Meeks in Meyers this winter too. And I just scored an interview to be a co-host on a local TV station morning show :rockon If I get the spot you`ll have to watch me Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 6-8 :cool:

Oh, and you spelled my name wrong even with it right in front of you! :nana: