View Full Version : Stephan! Speaking of Dust Magnets

08-18-2008, 08:08 AM
I found Pinnacle Souveran to be just that!Although I :love: the results/look nothing that I`ve used attracted dust like this product.:passout:

08-18-2008, 08:56 AM
I found Pinnacle Souveran to be just that!Although I :love: the results/look nothing that I`ve used attracted dust like this product.:passout:Souveran is out of my league, but I did have a similar experience with Liquid Lustre several years back.
It was a one step product pushed at a lot of car shows.
I applied it one evening and couldn`t believe how good it looked with just one application.
My first thought was, man this is going to save me a lot of work and time.
Went out the next morning and the vehicle was covered with dust and this was in the garage.
Another product that I gave to a friend. :wall

Mr. Clean
08-18-2008, 09:04 AM
Interesting experience CharlesW. I`ve used Liquid Lustre off and on (I guess that could be considered a pun:)) over the course of many years and I never recall having that problem. It will mute the flake though :D

08-18-2008, 09:38 AM
I found Pinnacle Souveran to be just that!Although I :love: the results/look nothing that I`ve used attracted dust like this product.:passout:Rabbi, You know that you have to wipe it off once you apply it, right?:D

08-18-2008, 10:22 AM
I find that paste wax in general is a dust bomb...to combat this I do a cold water rinse right after to harden up the oils as fast as possible.

This last weekend using some Brazilian carnauba paste wax I did notice that as much...the difference in the wax..is this wax was real hard...not like most other paste waxes that I have used that are real soft..I know that solvents and oils are added to paste wax to make them softer and give better sh:Dine...maybe that`s what creating the dust attraction

08-18-2008, 11:46 AM
I found Pinnacle Souveran to be just that!Although I :love: the results/look nothing that I`ve used attracted dust like this product.:passout:

I agree, and I think its most carnaubas are like this. I did a truck yesterday and found that everything started sticking to it, you could see dust floating it the air being sucked towards it like a black hole.

08-18-2008, 09:41 PM
We have a bunch of Cottonwood trees here in the Neighborhood that are throwing their seeds, I left my truck outside for a few hours the other day and a bunch of those cotton poofs stuck to it, looked like a sheep with mange.

08-19-2008, 02:44 AM
thats why after waxing you should shade your car in an isolated area or somewhere cool with a fan running to cool it down in your garage or whatever overnight so the waxes take effect and can actually do their job, jut sitting there just waxed wont do good, get a xxxxty small fan and place it about at your waist level and point it bang on 1/4 view of your car to cover most surface area with the breeze
and over a few hours at nite the wax should be built up with a good tolerance to dirt and debris !

08-19-2008, 10:08 AM
thats why after waxing you should shade your car in an isolated area or somewhere cool with a fan running to cool it down in your garage or whatever overnight so the waxes take effect and can actually do their job, jut sitting there just waxed wont do good, get a xxxxty small fan and place it about at your waist level and point it bang on 1/4 view of your car to cover most surface area with the breeze
and over a few hours at nite the wax should be built up with a good tolerance to dirt and debris !

Would you care to expand on this fan method?

I`m not grabbing what the effects of forced air is doing to a fresh waxed car?


08-19-2008, 12:06 PM
I am confused as well...I must say I have never heard of doing this. How does moving air help a wax to have a lessor tendancy to attract dust?

Perhaps if you turn on the fan in five minute intervals.

08-19-2008, 12:10 PM
Might help the solvents evaporate more quickly. Actually, I have no idea.

08-19-2008, 12:16 PM
Wait so how many fans do you use? 1 for each 1/4 panel. So on a 4 door car do you use 11? For the roof do you suspend one from the ceiling?

I suppose you could move the fan around every couple of hours.