View Full Version : I`m Stunned At The Moment

06-22-2008, 10:26 PM
I found out this afternoon that a couple that we have known for the last 8 years...shared dinner parties with...saw each other many times a month..at various functions...where having martial problems....he couldn`t take the pressure from it and committed suicide.

He leaves a big family with the youngest only 7 years old:wow:

I am blower away but this...totally speechless!

06-22-2008, 10:47 PM
Were the marital problems, linked to financial problems? Sometimes people have too much on their shoulders to the point that the last feather is too much weight. Sorry to hear. Although some people will call it selfishness, the feeling of depression and anxiety is a huge battle that only the person going through it can understand.

Hug your wife and kids tonight a little more and appreciate what you got. Those children the guy left behind are going to go through a lot.

06-22-2008, 10:52 PM
Were the marital problems, linked to financial problems? Sometimes people have too much on their shoulders to the point that the last feather is too much weight. Sorry to hear. Although some people will call it selfishness, the feeling of depression and anxiety is a huge battle that only the person going through it can understand.

Hug your wife and kids tonight a little more and appreciate what you got. Those children the guy left behind are going to go through a lot.

I don`t know much about what surrounded this, but to check out over martial problems, is selfish IMO

There are countless other ways to deal with it.

Thanks for posting...and you incite!

06-23-2008, 04:34 AM
Wow that`s horrible, sorry to hear about your friend.
Sometimes the other decisions people make in life just makes you realize how fragile it is.

06-23-2008, 09:45 AM
Wow that stinks, sorry to hear abut this. I don`t think I have ever had a situation that has made me even think about that as an alternative.

06-23-2008, 09:48 AM
Wow that stinks, sorry to hear abut this. I don`t think I have ever had a situation that has made me even think about that as an alternative.

Thanks me either!

06-23-2008, 11:09 AM
I`ve seen it before and there is no answer to "why" :passout:..sorry to hear :(

06-23-2008, 11:13 AM
That is some rough news, when you hear it it feels like someone has punched you in the stomach.... I have had a few family friends kill themselves and leave families behind...one with a 1yr old. No one wins in those situations...............

its a sad world

06-23-2008, 01:15 PM

I don`t know much about what surrounded this, but to check out over martial problems, is selfish IMO...

Sorry to hear that Bb,this is another example of how hard it is to judge people by what is portrayed on the outside,IMHO one must suffer from deep psychological problems to even consider suicide.

06-23-2008, 08:02 PM
sorry to hear the bad news ...hang tough pal

06-24-2008, 09:25 PM
Sorry to hear it. I`ve never understood why people would take their own life.

I`ve gone through a number of `tough` things in my life and I would never do something like that. To me, there is nothing that bad to make me want to do that...I just continually look forward to the next day and try to make it better. I always tell myself, no matter how bad I think I have it...there`s always somebody out there in worse shape than me. Maybe that`s a lame way to look at it, but it`s always worked for me.

Again...sorry to hear it man.

06-24-2008, 10:13 PM
Sorry to hear that Bb,this is another example of how hard it is to judge people by what is portrayed on the outside,IMHO one must suffer from deep psychological problems to even consider suicide.


sorry to hear the bad news ...hang tough pal


Sorry to hear it. I`ve never understood why people would take their own life.

I`ve gone through a number of `tough` things in my life and I would never do something like that. To me, there is nothing that bad to make me want to do that...I just continually look forward to the next day and try to make it better. I always tell myself, no matter how bad I think I have it...there`s always somebody out there in worse shape than me. Maybe that`s a lame way to look at it, but it`s always worked for me.

Again...sorry to hear it man.


I have had some time to digest this just a bit...This was not my closet friend but one that I knew fairly well...Here is what I thought about recently...Its a strange little journey that we travel threw in this thing called life....My father in law who is currently fighting for his life with liver cancer, taking tests and treatments like crazy so that he can live a few more months / years...then you have this guy with a lot going for him, in his mid 40`s with a great family and career and what dose he do? checks out...Makes no sense if you think about it that way.