View Full Version : Is it possible to wax a car too much or too often?

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06-04-2008, 03:42 PM
Sorry if this is a stupid question.

Recently, I`ve clayed and waxed my car with NXT 2.0 and love the results.

So, how often is too often? I assume it`s not a big deal as NXT 2.0 is a synthetic sealant and I`m not "stripping" down anything (like removing scratches).

Is once a week of 2.0 too much?

06-04-2008, 03:54 PM
Sorry if this is a stupid question.

Recently, I`ve clayed and waxed my car with NXT 2.0 and love the results.

So, how often is too often? I assume it`s not a big deal as NXT 2.0 is a synthetic sealant and I`m not "stripping" down anything (like removing scratches).

Is once a week of 2.0 too much?

Your talking to a crowd that thinks once a day is not to much:D

I have at times clayed the car just to get what I put on the week before off so that I could try something new..so to answer your question no not really...I mean within reason....just make sure that if you put a sealant on one week then wax the next...its not good the week after to put more sealant on top of that

06-04-2008, 05:15 PM
I wash my car three to four times per week at least 2 out of those times I add a new coat of LSP. Does 27 coats of a LSP offer any more protection, the answer no. Does that same 27 coats have any bearing on the depth or color, nope not at all. I do it because I have a problem...alot of us here have it...

So no putting on more and more won`t hurt it...

06-04-2008, 05:17 PM
Yea Stephan is one the worse cases we have here at DC

06-04-2008, 08:37 PM
two words....


06-05-2008, 02:21 AM
Yea Stephan is one the worse cases we have here at DC


06-05-2008, 10:38 AM
two words....


That`s what I was thinking the Whaler and his million coats of Natty`s.:lol2::rofl

Larry A
06-05-2008, 05:22 PM
It does seem to me that the more you wax the more you have too.

06-24-2008, 11:41 AM
i tend to refrain from waxing when it isn`t needed because i believe that the more you touch your car the more frequently you will need to polish. i also like using a metro blower to reduce the amount of towel drying.

06-24-2008, 05:22 PM
I have dark vehicles so whenever you touch the paint there is a risk no matter who expensive the mf towel is. It can be something that landed on the paint or something that was in the towel.

06-24-2008, 05:51 PM
i tend to refrain from waxing when it isn`t needed because i believe that the more you touch your car the more frequently you will need to polish. i also like using a metro blower to reduce the amount of towel drying.

Polishing is to take out swrils thats a given, but it you have the right process for cleaning, then the wax will help to reduce the marring..its protecting the clear from marring..a barrier if you will

I have dark vehicles so whenever you touch the paint there is a risk no matter who expensive the mf towel is. It can be something that landed on the paint or something that was in the towel.

Much as I said above...proper washing / cleaning techniques are required, with a dark color...my JB BMW looks as good as most new cars...I`m told that all the time...I do think that there are plenty of ways to cheat a bit with darker colors....Steve BH is one of them...I S&W my car 2 to 4 times a week and use a CA duster in between that...I can see some minor marring but that`s just a given with a dark color...again along side some of the cars of the same year 99 mince a gem!

06-24-2008, 06:44 PM
It has been my opinion that applying wax continually without ever using any type of paint cleaner or a cleaner/wax, you can have a build up of wax that will have swirls in it that appear to be in the paint. A good paint cleaner and they disappear with no abrasive polishing needed.
I happen to be one of those that tends to wax quite often and the use of a paint cleaner a few times a year seems like almost a necessity for me. A few times a year being from 2 to 4.

06-24-2008, 08:10 PM
Yes you can wax too much. NXT2.0 has cleaners in it and layering that will only remove lower layers of the wax, rendering it pointless. With traditional non-cleaning waxes, you could layer, but there won`t be much visual differences. I always like to `strip` all layers of LSP 2-3 times a year to take it back to the bare surface and start all over again.

06-24-2008, 10:18 PM
It has been my opinion that applying wax continually without ever using any type of paint cleaner or a cleaner/wax, you can have a build up of wax that will have swirls in it that appear to be in the paint. A good paint cleaner and they disappear with no abrasive polishing needed.
I happen to be one of those that tends to wax quite often and the use of a paint cleaner a few times a year seems like almost a necessity for me. A few times a year being from 2 to 4.

Great answer

But know I wonder if he is asking, is it possible to put to much wax on your car, rather than is it to much to just wax the car every time rather than clean, polish wax...Don`t know!

06-24-2008, 10:36 PM
Great answer

But now I wonder if he is asking, is it possible to put too much wax on your car, rather than is it too much to just wax the car every time rather than clean, polish wax...Don`t know!
Good question.
Right or wrong, I took it that he was concerned that waxing, and only waxing, weekly would in some way be harmful to his paint.
While I don`t think he would really cause any problems, I do think the "buildup" or accumulation of wax could affect the appearance in a negative way.
The NXT 2.0 might have enough cleaning ability to prevent the buildup I`m referring to. :dunno: