View Full Version : Window Rubber Cleaning and Conditioning

06-02-2008, 12:31 PM
Working on older model cars the rubber that is on the outside of the car the fits up against the window can get pretty dry, cracked in some cases..or stained, etc.

I`m looking for what some of you are doing to clean this and add back life to the rubber.

I was working on a car over the weekend just like this and here is what I did.

I used to APC and a plastic brush to get it clean while washing...then use some PB PP with a tooth brush to get at it...this seemed to clean the surface up pretty good....I could see that I was lifting some of the rubber and the towel was turning black..then PB TR...and finished with a heavy silicon based guessing...it came out a lot better but still seems like it could use something more.

OK what`s your process and product for this?
