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09-08-2003, 08:54 AM

This is one I haven`t tried.
Can anybody give me some details on this product and why I would choose it over s100???
(Seems to be priced in-between s100 and Souvran.)


The Fuzz
09-08-2003, 10:50 AM
Imagine Pinnacle Paste Glaze and then color it blue. I`m guessing that its recycled smurfs from that mysyerious Black Forrest or something. lol Anyway, that is Trade Secret. It has the same benefits as PPG does.

09-08-2003, 05:03 PM

I don`t know if I would necessarily "choose" TS over P21S, but here`s my take on TS vs P21S.

The TS seems to darken darker colors a bit more than P21S.
The TS also seems to layer quite well, and improves the look with multiple layers............. at least on dark colors. I`ve not noticed that with P21S.
The TS has polymers in it that should make it a bit more durable.

In the end the TS strikes me as a product that is somewhere between P21S and Souveran in looks................ and that`s not a bad thing! :bigups

Anyhow, it makes a nice addition to my "collection"! :D

09-08-2003, 05:08 PM
Well I dont know anything about it,but if Boss has some.....I have to fill out another order form.

09-08-2003, 06:44 PM
Trade Secret ROCKS!


I`m up to 9 coats, 10 will be done either today or tomorrow. My car is the Blue RSX on topoftheline.com(the makers of the wax). Peep it out!

I have noticed that it`s a "softer" wax, you need to be careful when drying the car, not to press to hard with your cloth--you WILL leave swirlies! But if you are gentle, the results will be great.

After I reach 10 coats, I`m gonna try the combo of HiTemp Light Cut, Klasse Sealant Glaze, then (holds breath) Zymol NSX Glaze topper...

:bye 8 coats in the pics... (http://www.topoftheline.com/toltradcarwa.html)http://jeff.clubrsx.com/jeffclubrsx.JPG

09-08-2003, 07:16 PM
Yep, on colors like that, I would believe that TS would have a slight edge over P21S .......... especially with layers of TS!

However, it depends on each individuals preference!

The Fuzz
09-08-2003, 07:56 PM
Of course you know that after you put carnauba on the car then you can`t put anything else on it but more carnauba. SG won`t bond to wax and neither will anything else. Unless you mean that you plan on stripping off the 10 coats and starting over. That would be pretty cool.

I`ve used the highest end of the high end Zymol. Its fragile stuff. I would stick to TS or P21S. Of course, if you have access to it then go nuts. Don`t expect it to be better than TS though. TS is good stuff.

09-08-2003, 10:02 PM

I`m talking about stripping the 10 coats and starting over. But that won`t be for at least a couple months.


...and I don`t think that the Zymol Estate Glazes would be BETTER, but different. I`ll stick with whatever looks better, but I think for my money, my current plan is gonna be fine.