View Full Version : Hobbies other than detailing

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04-16-2008, 07:58 AM
Just curious as to what some of you guys and gals enjoy doing other than detailing. Detailing is one of my hobbies (and I know to some of you it`s your profession) but there`s a few other things I am pretty passionate about as well:

Archery (probably my most expensive hobby!), biking (not as much as I used to), and I have also recently gotten back into jogging and hope to run in a couple of local 5K`s this summer.

Of course with the little one, I have to cut back on most of them. He takes up some time, that`s for sure.

I thought it would be interesting to see what we all did aside from detailing.

04-16-2008, 08:05 AM
I like Jiu Jitsu but I`ve laid off of it recently since my new job is taking up the majority of my time.

I still hit the gym which I can`t seem to let go of. I also run once a week every Sunday whenever I wake up at a local park. Its my new hobby I guess since I`ve bought new gear just for it on Sundays.

Detailing is still my #1!

04-16-2008, 08:44 AM
Weight-lifting / bodybuilding, investing, plus 50 to 60 hours of work a week.

04-16-2008, 08:48 AM
I do graphic design. Logos, web design, labels, banners, etc. Just about anything people want me to do. It keeps me busy enough on top of my full time job, family, detailing, and school that I don`t have time to even get my own websites up to date. lol My hobby is my enemy. :lol:

04-16-2008, 08:58 AM
Humm sleeping....

No really

kayaking,triathlons,hiking,pretty much outdoors.

04-16-2008, 09:08 AM
Bodybuiling, basketball, skiing, just being outdoors in general. That`s about it I think.

04-16-2008, 09:09 AM
Bicycling on and off road...high end cooking and entaining, wine and my family!

Pic of the Trek 5200 carbon...the Mt Bike is Gary Fisher

04-16-2008, 09:28 AM

04-16-2008, 09:39 AM
I`m a shooter, just about anything with a trigger. I have been known to play a pretty good game of golf. We`ll see after a back fusion and a new knee how this hobby turns out. I like to build old Mustangs, race engines, Ford trucks. In a former life I was an ASE Certified Master Automotive Technician. I like cars (my favorites being American muscle).

04-16-2008, 10:29 AM
When I lived in Alaska I had a nice woodshop with all the fixins. I spent a good amount of time making boxes. I really enjoyed the work ande it was a real time killer during the long winters.

Since moving full time to Texas I do not have a shope to work in an all the tools are in storage. some day when I win the lottery I will build a work shop to work on the boxes again.

Now my new hobby is Cub Scouts with the Little Detailer. Lot`s of craft work, recycling, and camping events to participate in. So is watching my son grow up to be a man.

We also detail together.

04-16-2008, 11:26 AM
Now my new hobby is Cub Scouts with the Little Detailer. Lot`s of craft work, recycling, and camping events to participate in. So is watching my son grow up to be a man.

We also detail together.

Amen, brotha! My son is 4 1/2 now and it is a blast watching him grow up. He is by far my favorite toy that I`ve ever owned. Highly interactive, rechargable, and customizable. :D

04-16-2008, 12:02 PM
...I like to build old Mustangs...

He`s obsessed with 70 Mustangs!:drool:

As for me...I`ve just recently been promoted to Graphic Department Manager, so lately I`ve been a little consumed at work. I still pull down more time when I get home running my side biz (tmooregraphics.com) but it`s `fun work` so it`s all good.

So really my hobbies are detailing my car (even before I found this site) and I really like working in the yard. Nothing beats admiring a freshly cut, green lawn as I wash/detail my cars in the evenings. To me, that`s so relaxing. I also enjoy listening to music (heavy-metal) as I do all these things. I`ve got quite an extensive collection of CD`s music although my detailing supplies are getting almost as large as my CD collection.:rofl

That`s it for me...my life revolves around my work, my cars and my music!

04-16-2008, 12:09 PM
I really like working in the yard. Nothing beats admiring a freshly cut, green lawn as I wash/detail my cars in the evenings. I`m half way with you on this one. I don`t really like working in the yard but I spend a lot of time doing it and I really like admiring the result. I just walked in from outside before reading this thread. I was admiring the emerald green grass peaking through the snow that came yesterday. My son had thatched and cut the lawn the day before, he did a pretty good job. I don`t tell him that I do it better cause right now he could say go ahead and I would be standing here holding my cane.

04-16-2008, 12:15 PM
I work out twice a day and play guitar as long as I can. I also hit the shooting range about once or twice a week. The way Ammo prices are going though, it`s been more like once a week than twice though.

04-16-2008, 12:31 PM
wine and scotch collecting...mmm wine and scotch.

between detailing and school there isnt lot of time to do other stuff