View Full Version : Attn: 02 Silverado, Anthony Orosco and Clean Dean

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09-01-2003, 04:56 AM
Guys, this detailer is using pictures of your hard work to represent himself.

Link to site (http://www.geocities.com/marksmobileautodetailing/PhotoGallery.htm)

Second time in less than a week I found photo theft.


P.S.: How is the weather in Canada?

Anthony O.
09-01-2003, 09:56 AM

That is CRAP!!

Just to prove that the picture is mine I have not only the original but I get can the testimony of the cars owner.

The picture in question is of a Jaguar XKR Supercharged engine

Eric, thank you so very much for your keen eye and honesty.

Anthony O.
09-01-2003, 10:13 AM
OK, I spoke with the owner of that company and he was understanding and apologetic and said he would remove the picture. I also told him that another detailer may contact, namely Clean Dean, about other pictures.

He said he was sorry and that he just needed a picture of an engine. So at the moment it seems to be taken care of and everyone is cool. I again thank Eric for the sharp eye.


09-01-2003, 10:34 AM
That `s a pretty rinky-dink site if you ask me, the photos are not clear at all.
The Engine Shampooing is the one that I like the most, I wonder if he`s using Prell for shampoo:-p

09-01-2003, 10:35 AM
I would like to apoligize for the theft of the pictures that I used on my site. I spoke to Anthony regarding this and have taken the pictures off and replaced them with my own. The reason why I did this is becasue of the crappy camera I have and the pictures do not do them justice. So I used some of my fellow members on this and another forum. I am truly sorry for my action and will not happen again. I hope you all don`t judge me for a stupid act on my part.

09-01-2003, 10:39 AM
I`m not going to pass judgemnt but had you asked me I would have been happy to help. I`m also sure that alot of other here would feel the same

Clean Dean
09-01-2003, 10:46 AM
The site must have been changed!!!!

edschwab1 ... Thanks !!! I would have recognized Anthony`s engine pic also !!!!

CleanFreak : No harm done by me. If you used my pic don`t sweat it. P.S. My digital camera is the Sony Cybershot U30 it goes for about $200 and is sooooo easy to use. The U20 is its earlier version and a friend of mine uses it with great results. I found it on eBay for @ $150. Both are very small and easy to use. I defenitely recommend a digicam for posting shots on a website. Good Luck !!!

Anthony O.
09-01-2003, 10:55 AM
Well it is great to see a happy end to this. I hold no hard feelings towards Mark and in fact have said that I am honored to have my work thought of so highly that it would be stolen :)

Mark, check out a camera shop that sells used cameras. You can find some really nice deals there.

I would again like to thank Mark for being upfront and honest and very expediant on the matter. I just hope that my very first post on this thread would be ignored. I just woke up, signed on and saw this right away without my morning coffee and breakfast so I was a bit cranky. So I also need to apologize for my opening remark to Mark.


Elite M.D
09-01-2003, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by Anthony Orosco
Well it is great to see a happy end to this. I hold no hard feelings towards Mark and in fact have said that I am honored to have my work thought of so highly that it would be stolen :)


I dont know what pics you used but thanks for taking them down. I would definatly get a nice camera. Customers would rather see work you have done.

BTW, what Car Brite Products do you use? I use some of there products. Have you ever tried tri-star, they are just like car brite?

09-01-2003, 11:39 AM
Anthony, your first post was nothing more than a standard knee-jerk reaction. I bet everyone who read the initial post by edschwab thought the same thing.

A positive end to potentially hot situation. Kudos to CleanFreak for "coming clean." Lesser individuals would have just left the forum. Get a better camera and write it off as a business expense. Try tigerdirect.com if you`re in a budgetary pinch.

I continue to find the professionalism and tactful conduct of DetailCity members very refreshing.

09-01-2003, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by rtbrick
I continue to find the professionalism and tactful conduct of DetailCity members very refreshing.

Me too! I`m very proud of our active and contributing members.


09-01-2003, 12:24 PM
Thank you everyone for your support and thank you Anthony for bringing it to my attention. Eventually I will purchase a better digi cam but right now the budget is not there.


Majority of what I use is CarBrite products. Most of the wax products, carpet cleaners, and dressings. I haven`t tried tri-star.

Anthony O.
09-01-2003, 12:48 PM

Again no hard feelings here as I totally understand. In fact after my breakfast and coffee I now feel thatI overreacted so my apologies also.

We can all laugh about it now:lmfao

I should be thankful you think of my work so highly:-p

I actually just bought a new camera today, well actuallyI had it on law-a-way and made the last payment today. You might want to think about that type of plan Mark. I am going now to take a few pics and perhaps post them later.


09-01-2003, 02:04 PM
Why cant people take there own pics since the detail and have something to show. The pictures and the site is well not very sharp.

09-01-2003, 03:26 PM
I am happy to see everything worked out.