View Full Version : Need to take life a little less serious

08-30-2003, 01:16 PM
A Westmoreland County cheerleader is taking her school to court, claiming a demotion has irreparably harmed her.

Southmoreland High senior Felicia Huffine (pictured, left) was named an alternate on the school cheerleading squad, prompting her mother to file a lawsuit on her behalf in county court.

The suit says Huffine was given permission to skip a cheerleading camp but was then demoted for missing it. The suit also seeks to have Huffine reinstated to her earlier status as a cheerleader.

The school`s solicitor said that Huffine was not excused from camp. The solicitor also said the school plans to fight the lawsuit in court next week.
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:whine :duel

08-30-2003, 01:34 PM

Sure I would argue the whole thing about being "demoted" (how the heck can you be demoted?) but filing a lawsuit is just plain stupid.

09-01-2003, 12:27 PM
That is exactly what stops me from starting any business... some A$$Wipe could just come along, claim you damaged them in some unverifiably fashion and sue you for your pants. What the hell happened to our fine nation??? Have we lost ALL sense of responsibility? Can`t this little girl own up to the fact that she CHOSE to miss camp? So what if she`s an alternate? Can`t she bust her arse to earn her spot back? Oh that`s right she`s too lazy too so she`ll blame somebody else and waste everybody`s time and taxpayer`s money to sue. This country was built with the idea in mind that ANYBODY can bust their butt and get results for it. Not be capped by caste systems, monarchs, unfair taxes, and dictators. Anyone can be anything they want to be. Instead we`re lazy and think we`re owed everything. We blame EVERYBODY else for our failures and denials, everybody that is except the person responsible.... OURSELVES! Don`t get me wrong, I`m proud to be American and because I`m American I am getting to do what I want to do most. I`m saying this country needs a real big wake up call. When we go abroad and people treat us like crap (but take our money) we have to ask WHY. The whole world is jealous of us? No, many are simply tired of how we go abroad and act like Americans... we expect everything for nothing.

Sorry guys, I guess I had to vent. I suppose this post may get deleted, but I won`t sue and blame DC if it does!


09-01-2003, 04:01 PM
Nothing like that would happen anywhere else in the world (tho in Nigeria, a woman was condemned to be hit by stones to death cause she had a child outside of marriage :bigscream ). In fact, there`s no such thing as sueing anybody here, it just doesn`t work :mad: . For example, about 10 years ago two kids were killed on an water fun park, sucked by the water cleaning systems. The park was closed, but after 8 years in court, nobody was to blame or had to pay anything. Ridiculous!.

About Americans, as an outsider, let me say it has been a very good experience to be around on this forums and get to know better some of you. It makes me think of you as regular people, like me. The opinion people usually has about Americans is caused by the distance, some movies and maybe some governments. you also should know more of the world, as the US is almost a world of it`s own, it`d be great for you to know more, the same way I`d like to know your country.

To finish, you have 200-300 years of history, by that age, my country was having a crises .... the 14th century crises ;).