View Full Version : I Love Car Wash Places!

11-05-2007, 01:42 PM
Yesterday I washed both cars, they needed bucket washing..so that I could get the wells and rims clean, the rest of the car was not that bad....anywho we have a real good coin / wand place near by, so I loaded up some wheel cleaner, S&W and two WW MFT...

Once I had the car washed I pulled around to the drying area....this is place I like the most...there is always the person that thinks everyone in the area wants to listen to his music:cool:....the person that has a dirty shamey and is dragging it across the car:eek:, the people that don`t even dry the car...I guess they do the air dry method...The guy next to me is spray Armour-all on his tires, then drives off with them wet so it slings all over the car:wow:

Then the guy that takes his mats out and hits them to get the dirt out, and cloud of dust flies all over the place:surrender

I guess what I am saying is its funny to me to watch people clean cars and the different things that they do to them

11-05-2007, 05:02 PM
I too find great amusement and entertainment at the carwash!:rofl:lmfao:lol2::rofl:rofl:lol2:.:passout :

11-05-2007, 05:19 PM
The ones that use the foaming brush crack me up....not only is the brush full of dirt from the muddy 4 x 4 that just left....the hose thing keeps slapping the crap out of the car as they move around the car

11-05-2007, 05:27 PM
I watched a guy do all of those things you mentioned to a brand new car, once he finished drying the car with those $1 for 1 paper drying towels he proceeded to wax his car on a nice hot day in the bright sun. Now if you did a small section at a time this can be done, however he proceed to empty the entire bottle of th liquid wax onto his hood and then spread it around with an applicator, I then stood there for 15 mintues watching him try to remove the wax whoch had now baked onto his hood. It takes all kinds...

11-05-2007, 05:33 PM
Proof God has a sense of humor!:rofl:lmfao:rofl.:passout:

11-05-2007, 11:37 PM
The worst is the guy cleaning his car who used to detail bentleys with his perfect method.