View Full Version : polish for fine scratches

10-20-2007, 06:56 PM
I have made a few scratches on my Civics hood and tried 3M swirl remover with a PC and a white pad ,I still see the scratches under the light.
Considering Civics paint is soft what would be the next aggressive polish I could use with the white pads?
Would Meg #83 be good enough? or SSR2 or even SSR2.5?
I asked this question on other sites and some suggest I use a more aggressive pad like orange :hmmm:

10-20-2007, 07:51 PM
Personally I would try a small spot with SSR1 first, and if that didn`t work I would try SSR2 if you have it. I don`t know what an "orange" pad is, but I assume it`s something like a cut pad, which would be like shooting flies with a bazooka to remove very fine scratches. Then again, suggestions are like cornholes - we all have one.

10-20-2007, 09:05 PM
I would continue with the white pads and just go up in abrasiveness with products..if it doesn`t come out with SSR2.5 or 83 with the white pad, then it`ll be time to move to the orange pad :)

10-20-2007, 09:11 PM
Since I don`t know for sure what purpose your "white" pad or your "orange" are designed for, I`ll guess that the white = polishing, the orange = light cutting. That`s what I think those colors are in Lake Country pads.
If my guess is wrong, my comments won`t necessarily apply.

1. I have not yet used the Lake Country Orange, light cutting pad, but I have heard lots of good things about it.

2. A polishing pad is what I use for polishing and I find that there is quite a difference in how different products work for me.

For minor flaws, Meg`s #80 or PB`s SSR2 seem to do a good job, but do take some time to remove enough paint to do the correcting.

For anything other than minor blemishes, I use PB`s 2.5. I used to use, and still have Meg`s #83. It has been said that the SSR2.5 and the #83 are comparable in abrasiveness. Could be, but I have mush better luck using the SSR2.5.
I run the PC at 5 or 6 and bear down with enough pressure to actually bog the machine somewhat, then let up enough that the machine doesn`t sound like it is laboring. I hear about using 10 lb. of pressure and in most cases that is probably correct. On the tough spots, I think I probably use twice that much pressure. By using even less pressure when it appears the blemish has been removed, I find I can usually leave a finish that is LSP ready right from the SSR2.5.

I harp on this a lot, but keep in mind that you don`t remove the scratches, you remove the paint around them to level the overall surface. That can sometimes require removing quite a bit of that surrounding paint. With a PC, it is slow.

10-20-2007, 09:45 PM
I`m sorry for causing confusion about the pads colours ,they are 6.5 CCS pads :
CCS 6.5 inch Smart Pads™ Dual Action Foam Pads by Lake Country (http://www.autogeek.net/lc-ccs-6inch-pads.html)
Thank you all for your help .
I will try the least abrasive polish with a polishing pad which will most likely take care of the scratches since they are not deep enough to feel with my fingernails.
CharlesW I will get the hang of how much pressure to apply on the PC but I`ll start with the way to described.
You all helped me immensely ,thanks so much.

10-22-2007, 08:13 AM
I would continue with the white pads and just go up in abrasiveness with products..if it doesn`t come out with SSR2.5 or 83 with the white pad, then it`ll be time to move to the orange pad :)

What he said. I`ve used this with good success.

If it does require an orange pad, try the SSR1 first. It gives you more cutting with a less abrasive polish whick may be all you need.

Big Leegr
10-22-2007, 04:01 PM
Not to add to the confusion, ( :D ) but Steve (Poorboy) has said that one shouldn`t use SSR1 with an orange pad. From his website forum:

SSR1 can be used with a white polishing pad or a finishing pad. (grey, black, blue). Do not use SSR1 with the orange cutting pad or you will get more marring than you had before starting.
SSR1 is more of a finishing polish and gloss enhancing polish. For scratch removal I would use either SSR2.5 or SSR2 depending on how deep they are. Remember to use the polishes at a speed of 5-6 after spreading, until they practically disappear.

10-22-2007, 04:06 PM
Thank you all for your help ,I got Meg. Mo2 Fine cut cleaner which has mild abrasives and used my polishing pad ,it worked very well but for the future use I`ll order a Lake Country CCS 6.5" Orange Light Cutting Pad and a bottle of SSR 2.5 just in case.