View Full Version : question for vendors

10-03-2007, 01:58 PM
I have a few orders in the mail. They are stuck at customs which seems to be talking longer then it often does. A friend work at customs (cant rush my orders) and he said that there are so many orders it may take as long as double to get to packages checked.

This is ofcourse due to the dollar.

my question to the vendor is, have you noticed an increased number of ordering from canada? or am i the only one stocking up? (i have 4 orders in the mail)


10-03-2007, 02:11 PM
I think it`s the guys at customs heard you bought a $2000. jar of wax and they are going through your packages to steal it. :lmfao

Seriously, I haven`t seen an increase in Canada sales but it`s a possiblity.