View Full Version : BAD water!

09-22-2007, 07:25 AM
I recently retired from the Navy & moved back home to Indiana from Virginia. We built a new house & I had the sprinklers going watering the new sod. We`re on city water & I never had any problem on the east coast, so I figured the water here was ok too. Wrong! Next morning the whole driver`s side of my wife`s black Expedition was covered with bad water spots. I washed it & grabbed the PC & some Poorboys PP & started in. I was making progress when my neighbor walked up. He used to work in a body shop & said an old trick is to rub the paint with a rag soaked in the same water that put the spots on it. He said the water will sort of neutralize the dried minerals on the paint. I did it & it got a lot of it off. Anyone ever heard of this?

09-22-2007, 08:50 AM
He used to work in a body shop & said an old trick is to rub the paint with a rag soaked in the same water that put the spots on it. He said the water will sort of neutralize the dried minerals on the paint. I did it & it got a lot of it off. Anyone ever heard of this?

Kind of like the old "hair of the dog that bit you" for curing hangovers?

The idea doesn`t seem all that far off, but instead of neutralizing, it simply dissolves the waterspots back into a liquid since the water & the spots share the same chemical composition. Much like how WD-40 easily dissolves grease, asphalt & similar gunk because it has the same chemical base as the gunk, its just more highly refined.

09-22-2007, 03:53 PM
sounds interesting and would probably only work if it was fresh , not baked on :cool:

09-29-2007, 01:53 PM
Say hello to good ole Virginia limestone water! A serious pain for those of us with well water! I have to work REAL FAST to get the water off the car before it dries! Can be dont though... then the QD does the trick!

09-29-2007, 03:31 PM
Congratulations on retiring from the Navy! :bigups

I can see how that trick might work but wouldn`t leave some minerals? You still end up with some spots. I`d try a good QD product or PB Spray & Wipe.

10-03-2007, 10:43 PM
Congratulations on retiring from the Navy! :bigups

I can see how that trick might work but wouldn`t leave some minerals? You still end up with some spots. I`d try a good QD product or PB Spray & Wipe.


Due to my work schedule, the spots did get baked on from a few unseasonably hot, sunny days. I used the "hair of the dog" thing & did manage to get quite a lot of the spots off. It didn`t leave any minerals because I dried it off immediately. It took some Poorboys polish & my PC to finish the job. Lesson learned: Keep sprinklers away next summer!

10-03-2007, 10:45 PM
I`ve made some good money removing water spots from cars...LOL

10-09-2007, 12:18 AM
I`ve made some good money removing water spots from cars...LOL

What`s your method? I just bought a car (thinking that I could do some correction and get it to where I want it) and have been having a nightmare of an experience trying to get this stuff out. SSR3 and a Lake Country Orange (light cutting) pad wouldn`t get them out!!