View Full Version : Bought myself a Wii

Scott P
09-10-2007, 07:11 PM
On Saturday, I finally gave in to the voices in my head and bought a Nintendo Wii. I bought the main system along with Wii Play, a game that includes an extra remote. The wife was a little reserved at first, then she played a few games. She is really liking the system. We played bowling, tennis and golf Saturday night and had a lot of fun. It`s a nice little system.

We are Nintendo`s target audience, the non-traditional gamers looking for a system with games that are "fun" to play. The controls are very intuitive and easy to learn.

It`s a nice little system and well worth the price. I pan on renting a few games from Blockbuster to try them before I decide to buy them.

09-10-2007, 07:21 PM
On Saturday, I finally gave in to the voices in my head and bought a Nintendo Wii. I bought the main system along with Wii Play, a game that includes an extra remote. The wife was a little reserved at first, then she played a few games. She is really liking the system. We played bowling, tennis and golf Saturday night and had a lot of fun. It`s a nice little system.

We are Nintendo`s target audience, the non-traditional gamers looking for a system with games that are "fun" to play. The controls are very intuitive and easy to learn.

It`s a nice little system and well worth the price. I pan on renting a few games from Blockbuster to try them before I decide to buy them.

During the winter I am a total gamer, PS2 is what we have...and I rent all the games until I figure out the ones that I like the mot...for me its high action games

09-10-2007, 08:34 PM
I`ll be getting a PS3 within the next few months with the possibility of getting a XBOX 360 a few months after that. I just have to finish paying off a credit card and get another tattoo first. I know quite a few people with the Wii and they all love it. Nintendo was very smart creating this system after their last one flopped.

09-10-2007, 09:11 PM
Way to go, Scott!! I just read your post to my wife. She is in total accord with you. She got up and started telling me about the games that she played. Jumping up and down, all the while telling me how much fun it was to finally have a game for some one that had never got the hang of the other systems. I am still chuckling over all her machinations. She has promised to get one by Christmas. I hope it works well on our 65 inch TV.

09-10-2007, 09:17 PM
I got a Wii for my son last year when he was three. Now he is golfing 9 holes 4 over par. the Wii is an amazing system. If you want games that really utilize the Wii functionality, then you need to get Monkey Ball and Wii Play at least. Those are amazingly ton games to Start With. there is a carnival game that looks fun too.

Scott P
09-10-2007, 09:21 PM
The last console I owned was a Sega Genesis. :) I had friends that had the various Nintendo units, so I have played them before. I am looking forward to Mario Kart. I wasted a lot of time playing that game in its various incarnations. I may have to buy a couple controllers so I can download Mario Kart 64 on the system.

09-10-2007, 09:30 PM
keep in mind that any of the gamecube games will play on it too. oh, and use the browser to go to wicade.com (http://www.wicade.com). there are a bunch of games on there specifically for Wii visitors.

09-10-2007, 10:03 PM
I hope it works well on our 65 inch TV.

Nice :cool:

I like the wii to but i like the games that have alot of buttons and are hard to play cuz im still a kid and can do all of that (no offense to anyone ;)) But the wii was fun to play for a little bit.

09-10-2007, 10:21 PM
Yeah, the Wii is for a different demographic than what you are in I would guess. My kid loves it, but I don`t have the time for it really. It is fun to pull off a few shots at the ducks once in awhile though. ;)

09-11-2007, 05:00 AM
I`ll be getting a PS3 within the next few months with the possibility of getting a XBOX 360 a few months after that. I just have to finish paying off a credit card and get another tattoo first. I know quite a few people with the Wii and they all love it. Nintendo was very smart creating this system after their last one flopped.

As a owner of a PS3 and a 360 and recently a Wii (although Santa is bringing that for the kids for Christmas) I can offer an opinion. Right now other then if you want to get it for the lower price there is nothing on the PS3 that is that earth shattering, meaning there is no title that jumps and screams buy me.

Also while I am not sure what type of games you are into, the developers of these games have not had the same amount of time to develop the game for the PS3 as the 360, thus you will find games that are sluggish at times and have frame rate issues.

Madden 08, and NCAA 08 on the PS3 is painfull, however on the 360 its great, mainly because it plays at twice the frame rate.

I agree the PS3 is the future, and that next year is probably when you will start seeing the truely great games come out for it, but if you have the need to spend money else where then you are not missing anything...although this is coming from a person who has both systems.

On the plus side...the Blue Ray is nice.

09-11-2007, 09:18 PM
The Wii is really fun..

I like doing bowling and tennis the most......way up on the pro status level haha.

Check out the perfect wii bowling game on youtube?