View Full Version : Toyota Corolla Zaino`d

06-25-2007, 02:37 PM
I’d like to start this post off by saying thank you to cwcad for helping me figure out the Zaino system. Everyone knows that Zaino is talked about a lot but there is very limited helpful information about the products so cwcad helped me out a lot. This is my first time using Zaino and I figured I’d see what all of the hoopla is about. I received a bottle of Z1 and Z5 from another member and put them to work on this detail. This Corolla belongs to my girlfriend and winter had taken its toll on the car. Back in January or February we did PwS with a light cut pad topped with EX-P and was due for a detail. Salt and a bad snow brush left some nice swirls for me to remove with the UDM. There is still a few deep swirls on the hood and trunk lid which we’ll have to live with.

Spot clay
SSR2.5 (UDM, polishing pad, speed 6)
SSR1 (UDM, polishing pad, speed 6)
Alcohol wipedown
Z5 x2

I did the second coat of Z5 the day after and I was planning on adding another but the weather didn’t hold up. I did this detail last week but my time and weather held off this post until today when I finally got some decent pictures. Hope you enjoy.













Water beading the day after:


06-25-2007, 02:52 PM
:bigups Looking good!
Of course, most of your details do look good. :)

While the results with the Zaino are good, I think you could probably have made the car look good with any number of products.
Also, I personally don`t see where the Zaino has any plasticy look. It just looks like any good sealant/wax.
Just my personal opinion, but the true value of Zaino is in its longevity. Chances are the shine will still be about the same 3 to 6 months from now. For those that have to let their car go that long without waxing/sealing, it should have its advantages.


06-25-2007, 03:16 PM
It certainly is looking good. But as Charles said all of your details look good.

Your certainly welcome for the help. Hope that you like the product that you used. IMHO they are some of the best out there. Although the Poorboy`s line of products that you had used previously are amoung the best as well.

06-25-2007, 03:33 PM
While the results with the Zaino are good, I think you could probably have made the car look good with any number of products.

Also, I personally don`t see where the Zaino has any plasticy look. It just looks like any good sealant/wax.

Just my personal opinion, but the true value of Zaino is in its longevity. Chances are the shine will still be about the same 3 to 6 months from now.

Thanks for your comments :).

Yes, I`ve used a lot of products on her car including UPP, Natty`s Blue, PwS & EX-P and now Zaino. They all looked great but right now the Zaino really darkened the paint.

Since this is my first time using Zaino I can`t comment on the product that much. I can tell that it is very reflective and darkens the paint... best used on darker colors, IMO.

I`ll keep an eye on durability. I`m anxious to see how long the look will stay that way. Since it isn`t my vehicle I think I can let it go without waxing for a few months ;)

Your certainly welcome for the help. Hope that you like the product that you used. IMHO they are some of the best out there. Although the Poorboy`s line of products that you had used previously are amoung the best as well.

Thanks! I`m all for trying new products and am glad that I did because it is hard to get a feeling for various products until you actully use them.

06-25-2007, 03:41 PM
Thanks! I`m all for trying new products and am glad that I did because it is hard to get a feeling for various products until you actully use them.
A little hi-jack here.
If you want to try various products, cwcad would be a good place to check. :)


06-25-2007, 04:27 PM
The Carolla didn`t look like it was in too bad of shape before, but there is a pretty noticeable difference in the afters. Nice work.

06-25-2007, 06:24 PM
Thanks for your comments :).

Yes, I`ve used a lot of products on her car including UPP, Natty`s Blue, PwS & EX-P and now Zaino. They all looked great but right now the Zaino really darkened the paint.

Since this is my first time using Zaino I can`t comment on the product that much. I can tell that it is very reflective and darkens the paint... best used on darker colors, IMO.

One of the characteristics of Z5 is that it does darken the paint. If and when you decide to use Z2Pro you will see a difference in the amount of reflectivity that Z2Pro produces over Z5. One must remember that Z5 has been updated with Z5Pro so that will make a difference as well.