View Full Version : Inordinate Amount of Clear Coat Failures?

06-19-2007, 07:51 PM
In driving around I always take notice of about all the cars....Looking for detail work;)

I notice quite a few cars with clear coat failures these days...I`m talking about cars that are not that old in some cases...5 years or ear shot of that.

I have to wonder if this is due to lack of up keep...bad paint jobs...the way the car is stored.

Of course I steer clear of talking to people like that but to me I seem to see allot of CCF

Anyone else see this?

06-19-2007, 08:31 PM
It`s probably a combination of all that you have listed plus where people live (environment) salt air , polution, and sometimes just things like parking under nasty trees with sap or too much bird droppings, or driving through tunnel washes with harsh chemicals will wear down the clearcoat.

06-20-2007, 05:21 AM
I have not seen it on anything that new...I see it on quite a few Neons around here that have that odd blue color to them. However I think those are older and were during a period of time when Chrysler used a different type of paint that didn`t adhear well to the primer...

But something new is strange I have done cars that were from about 2001/2002 and had never been washed once never mine detailed and their clear was still intact...horribly dirty but intact.