View Full Version : safe wheel cleaner

08-23-2003, 10:10 PM
im looking to buy a safe wheel cleaner for chrome and painted rims that is gentle, wont leave spots, etches etc, pretty much something for light duty up keep of dust, brake dust etc every week?

anything in a gallon size would be great

08-23-2003, 10:14 PM
P21S fits that description but it can be expensive.I havent seen it sold by the gallon.I have some but I have about 8 different wheel cleaners and Ive never gotten around to using it yet.

08-23-2003, 10:41 PM
I use Simple Green or EFHi or APC+ Diluted. I hear the Platnium Wheel cleaner is good also.

Anthony O.
08-24-2003, 12:01 AM
For wheels, of any type, that are not encrusted with brake dust the Platinum Wheel Gel is my pick.

For wheels (badly encrusted), all wheels except non-coated aluminum, I use Top of the Lines "Wheel Wash"

The wheel wash is a great cleaner. It has the power of an acid based cleaner but without the health risks.

Tell Dwayne and/or Irene that I said "Howdy"


08-24-2003, 02:16 AM
I use EFHI or AutoMagics Wheel Wizard. Has anyone else used Wheel Wizard?

08-24-2003, 07:54 AM
Do these well cleaners strip off any wax or polymer protection that may be on the wheel? What about a gel tire dressing? The gel (Meguiars) lasts so I don`t have to dress my tires with every wash.

Anthony O.
08-24-2003, 09:41 AM
Waxes or sealants don`t last very long on wheels because of the intense heat that is genrated as the brakes are applied.

Best thing for wheels is a light polishing when needed and washed weekly or bi-weekly.

Platinums Tire Gel has a very nice black sheen look and seems to hold up well.


08-24-2003, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by Anthony Orosco
Waxes or sealants don`t last very long on wheels because of the intense heat that is generated as the brakes are applied.
Man, I sure don`t want to have a disagreement with Anthony O. Kinda like arguing basketball with Phil Jackson.:p
But..., I have been using AIO on my GP wheels for just a little over a year. I don`t really know how long it lasts, but I only apply it about every 3 months. My wheels come clean with just a wash mitt and normal car wash soap solution. No cleaners, no brushes, just the soapy water mixed the same way I use it for the rest of the car. The car is washed at least weekly, sometimes three times in a week. (Whenever it gets dirty, it gets washed)
Maybe the regular cleaning helps keep the brake dust and road grime from baking on. Whatever the reason, keeping wheels clean and looking good is not the problem for me that some people seem to have. I guess I thought it was because of the AIO. (Sometimes I think that stuff could even grow hair, great product!)

08-24-2003, 10:51 AM
has anyone tried meguairs wheel brightner in the detailer line?