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03-24-2007, 01:52 PM
I get a call from my wife who had taken the girls to a dance last night that i need to get to the ER, one of my girls had got her finger caught in a door. :eek:
Well after driving 100mph and cutting off a few bad drivers:drive:, i get there to a bloody mess and a screaming 7 year old ...the end of her finger was crooked and my initial guess was either dislocated or broken..we finally get into a room and my wife just about chopped off the head of a nurse coming in for info:chopI sent my wife home with our other girl to drop her off and the nurse came back and gave her some motrin..this nurse looked scared:redface: ...we took some x-ray`s , watched some basketball and waited for the plastic surgeon to come. The finger was broken, litterally snapped the bone...my wife returned in time for the surgeon to arrive and he quickly numbed it and then straighten it out and sewed it all back together:wow:, I`m glad I didn`t look or I would have :passout:. The finger was saved :bow but she won`t be playing basketball or baseball for a while :(.
Now just to show how stupid:bubba that nurse was, she told me i had to go get some antibiotics that night and that the pharmacy was about 10 miles away and was open until 11pm ...so I rush out of there, I get to my truck, look at the clock and it`s 10:56 ...now either I needed a transporter to beam me there of I wasn`t going to make it :rolleyes:
I remembered that there was a 24hr CVS a few more miles away in the opposite direction and went there instead. I wanted to go back and :bonk: the nurse, but i was tired and had to go home to take my own meds:passout:

:sorry: for the rant..it was a long night:surrender

03-24-2007, 02:40 PM
What a night!!! I`m so sorry about your little girl. I hope she feels better soon.

03-24-2007, 02:49 PM
As long as your daughter will recoop, thats the important thing.

I hate doors, that is always the biggest fear with my daughter. For some reason they just have to have thier fingers in the door jamb...makes me :crazy2:


03-24-2007, 02:50 PM
Sorry to hear that Steve.

Sounds like your night was a bit worse than mine.

Hope the recovery is fast and she will be back to the slam dunks and home runs soon.


03-24-2007, 03:03 PM
Don`t have kids. They make you care.
on the other hand, they make you drive fast sometimes, which is cool.
Sorry it happened, but glad it was okay.

03-24-2007, 03:16 PM
What a night!!! I`m so sorry about your little girl. I hope she feels better soon.

Thanks she`s doing ok today :)

As long as your daughter will recoop, thats the important thing.

I hate doors, that is always the biggest fear with my daughter. For some reason they just have to have thier fingers in the door jamb...makes me :crazy2:


This is our second adventure with doors, the other one almost lost her pinky 2 years ago with a steel door that cut right down to the bone, thank god for plastic surgeons who can operate on tiny little hands :bow

Sorry to hear that Steve.

Sounds like your night was a bit worse than mine.

Hope the recovery is fast and she will be back to the slam dunks and home runs soon.


I was thinking of you last night just before I got the call, with all those little girls running crazy around your house and you and your pets hiding in closets :D

Don`t have kids. They make you care.
on the other hand, they make you drive fast sometimes, which is cool.
Sorry it happened, but glad it was okay.

They sure do:crazy2: ..and it`s nice to know your vehicle can perform when needed:drive:

03-24-2007, 04:48 PM
I`m glad to read that all of you came through it okay & that she`s feeling better today! No more scares, please!!

03-24-2007, 05:41 PM
Glad everything is OK

03-24-2007, 05:50 PM
sorry bout your little girl but if shes anything like my family its not the first trip nor the last to the er... the important thing is shes alright :}

03-24-2007, 06:19 PM
Steve, I`m sorry to hear about your daughter but glad that she has turned out as well as she did. I don`t mean to steal your thread but I too, spent most of yesterday in the hospital. My son plays basketball and injured his hand diving for a ball. He had reconstruction surgery on his thumb/hand. He had completely torn the ligaments and tendons in the web of his hand. When the ligaments are torn completely through they tend to pull up into the arm, kinda like an elastic retracting. They make several incisions and have to go search for the damaged ligaments. He`s got several anchors and artificial pieces that will remain in the hand as well as a pin that protrudes out of the flesh. This pin is pulled in about 3 weeks time and then re-casted. It`s tough being a parent watching kids grow up. Waiting for a loved one in the hospital is exhausting.

03-24-2007, 06:32 PM
Steve..sorry to hear about your daughter..I am glad she is ok now....being young she will heal fast....

Glad all is well now


03-24-2007, 06:47 PM
Man.. it was a tough day on the kids today.. julia was feeling a little better by the evening but we just sat around all day after her morning vomiting session

03-24-2007, 08:43 PM
Wow, rough day indeed. Tell Kayla and Julia that I hope they both feel better soon.

DLR Detailing
03-24-2007, 08:55 PM
Steve...Sorry to hear about your daughter`s incident. Glad she is on the mend. With prayer, physical healing and maybe a little therapy, she will be as good as new. My 2 girls also had their share of problems with doors. Big heavy doors and little tiny fingers don`t seem to go together very well.

Please keep us updated on her recovery.


03-24-2007, 09:01 PM
I had a similar accident a few years ago but that was with a motorcycle chain/sprocket... snapped the bone in my finger, tore off the fingernail and had a bloody mess... but the doctors saved the finger and even though it looks a little funny its still there and still works :)> Hope your daughter feels better soon.