View Full Version : smaller sections

08-19-2003, 01:21 PM
When using a high speed rotory how do you manage getting into the tight spaces with it. Or do you do those places by hand.

08-19-2003, 01:24 PM
Alliright have no experience using a rotary, but this is what I have picked up from what others have said.

For small spaces you normally have to do thos by hand, the same with sharp edges (until you are seriously experienced).

Correct me if I am wrong anybody.

08-19-2003, 04:27 PM
There is a 4" backing plate, and 4" pads that can be used on a drill to get into some of those hard to reach places.

08-19-2003, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Boss_429
There is a 4" backing plate, and 4" pads that can be used on a drill to get into some of those hard to reach places.

I know 3M used to have them, but not anymore. I`m tired of looking for them allover! Any idea who sells them? (apart from CMA?)
