View Full Version : Hit and Run (pics)

Tex Star Detail
02-20-2007, 12:20 PM
Well, SOB.......

Had a quick wash today on a customers car. Finished up and headed home.
Dropped trhe trailer and ran to a few stores, Office store, Wal-Mart, Lowes, and Tractor Supply. When I was coming back to the truck, I seen something on my rear qaurter panel, looked like a dent. I could tell the way the reflection on the truck was....I always look at my truck and admire the shine...lol

Anyways, yep....dent and scratch. Not just a dent, but a crease too.
I am not sure where it happend, but it was from one of those stores. None had cameras. I know it wasn`t there the other day, because I detailed the exterior of it the other day. I am SO PISSED.....

I guess I will have to go get a few estimates and see what the damage is gonna be. Not sure if I will turn it into my insurance company, may not be worth it. And since it happend in a parking lot, I guess it is fair game.
Some people, I tell ya. Hit you, flip out, and take off....




will post some prices of estimate later.

02-20-2007, 12:28 PM
Man that really sucks!!! I cant belive that people could just go away from that. You seem to get hit alot, was there any little color paint chips on it could it have been a runaway cart or something???? I mean yea it is big but ya never know.

Tex Star Detail
02-20-2007, 12:31 PM
Tad bit of silver paint

02-20-2007, 12:33 PM
Well I hope that all goes well with fixing it up. Good luck Chris:bigups

02-20-2007, 02:34 PM
Sorry to hear about your truck. Hopefully you`ll be able to get it fixed without going through too much trouble.

Tex Star Detail
02-20-2007, 03:42 PM
Just got back from getting a few estimates.
My deductable is $500

I only went reputable shops...no corner places that do shody work.

Shop 1- $796.xx 7 days without the truck:rolleyes:

Shop 2- $744.xx, 7-10 days without the truck

Shop 3- (I used to work here and know the owner personally)
$725.xx minus $200 discount. For a total of $525 :D Drop it off any morning, he will put it first priority, and I will get it back the next morning.

I won`t be able to get it done for a few weeks though.... I am officially broke right now....lol

Tex Star Detail
02-20-2007, 03:49 PM
On a good note though, I took it to one of the body shops, and while we were out looking at it, he asked "What year is it? 2006?"

I said "Nope, 2003"
He said "Damn, it looks brand new"

I felt all warm and mushy inside....lol

02-20-2007, 09:52 PM
Daaamn, that sucks man.

Next time park waaay out in the lot. I always do, don`t want to risk having that happen. To many jerks out there that just don`t care.

02-21-2007, 01:23 AM
Eeeek, that`s nasty looking! They had to give you quite the love-tap to do that much damage. If you ever happen to catch the guy or if it happens again and you catch them, run them over with a lawn mower.....twice. ;)
Kidding of course, but that`s one nasty dent.

Daaamn, that sucks man.

Next time park waaay out in the lot. I always do, don`t want to risk having that happen. To many jerks out there that just don`t care.
That`s what I like about my Jeep, it`s really too high for anyone to slam their door into it. Flares/tires protect most of it but once I get my tubular rock sliders they will demolish any door that comes in contact with them :dnaughty :bubba

02-23-2007, 09:21 PM
Dam that sucks. Just makes you never want to move the car after i`s clean.