View Full Version : Water spots/soft water?

Buzz Grande
01-11-2007, 06:55 AM
I have the opportunity to get a couple customers that want vehicles presure washed, and tires dressed (similar to car lots, fleet washing, etc). No dryiing exterior, no interior, etc. Pretty much a fleet-type set-up. I don`t want a bunch of water spots after the vehicles dry.

I have seen an in-line type filter, and also have seen large filters on the trailer for making "de-ionized" water. I would like to go with the least expensive, but also the most compact, but still get the results I want. Just want my water tank to be filled with "soft" water, or DI water.

Does anyone have a set-up that works well. Any pics, etc? Supplies needed, etc?

Thanks, Buzz

01-11-2007, 09:50 AM
might try contacting US Filter (http://www.usfilter.com/en/Product+Lines/Mobile_and_On-Site_Services/Mobile_and_On-Site_Services/MOSS_service_deionization.htm)about their service deionization system :)