View Full Version : Klasse AIO

12-11-2006, 11:30 AM
The post VOC has less cleaners in it from what i have read than Pre/VOC so how much less cleaners in pecentage say that previous version.

thanx mongo

12-11-2006, 11:44 AM
Considering the fact that even the manufacturer of Klasse AIO isn`t really known, I don`t think you will have much luck finding that information.
I could very well be wrong, but I think even the so called reformulation has never been documented by the makers of Klasse.
The Klasse AIO I am using now doesn`t seem to be any different than the Klasse AIO I was using 3 or 4 years ago. It`s still a good product and one I am still using.
FWIW, I have used paint cleaners that cleaned better than Klasse AIO so if a really strong cleaner is what you are wanting, you may want to look at some others.


12-12-2006, 01:54 PM
CharlesW thanx for the info actually i was hoping it had less cleaning ability.


Mr. Clean
12-12-2006, 03:12 PM
From what I`ve read (emphasis:not first hand knowledge as I still have a small and dwindling supply of pre-VOC AIO), the cleaning function is still similar, protection is what is reduced.

I don`t know which function you are partial to, but have you considered the Werkstatt Prime (or Prime Strong) product? Again a product of which I have no first hand knowledge, but one that piques my interest.