View Full Version : Meguiar`s Scratch-X for windows

11-13-2006, 01:28 PM
I tried it on my windows (exterior - I have tint inside) and it got them the cleanest and shiniest they have ever been. I had very light water spots on the bottom front windshied and they are gone now. Nowhere on the tube does it say "don`t use on glass". But I was able to experiment around with it and am really happy with the results it gave on glass!. Does anyone have similar un-intended uses of products to share?


Jack in WC:yay

11-13-2006, 01:54 PM
Tip that I got from a aluminum polishing house in Washington State, was while polishing out aluminum before wiping off the black residue use some baking soda on a rag to remove it....takes it off straight away with no smears.

peanut butter will remove wax from grainy styled trim on your car with a tooth brush.

The Scratch X worked because its an abrasive and dissolved the spots

11-14-2006, 12:59 AM
Good tips. As for the penut butter one, that works well. I have also tried an erasor(sp... look i deal with numbers not words) (the white ones) and they work just as well.

11-14-2006, 10:49 AM
This is one that allot know here already. Woolite mixed with water 10/1 makes an excellent leather cleaner and all around mild cleaner in general.