View Full Version : Tree Sap From Hell

09-05-2006, 01:46 PM
Over the weekend the next door neighbor asked me to detail her black Jag...no problem....it was really overcast when I washed the car so I didn`t pickup that there where like a thousand small dots of maple tree sap all over the car....Once I started the out side I could feel them big time...so used the clay and they removed a few but not really much...then with a rotary and a polishing pad with Pro-polish I hit the hood no luck again....these sap spots where glued to the car...not even my finger nail would chip one off....so I got out some adhesive remover and tried that and they started to come off....took me over an hour to get the top clean and even then I missed a few...I plan on washing the car again this next week for her and use the decon kit that I have from FK1 they say it will remove tree sap...I`ll keep you posted....

any other ideas on removing tree sap? I really don`t see that much of it out here.

09-05-2006, 02:25 PM
You may want to try P21S paint work cleansing lotion or Meguiars Deep crystal cleaner both have Kaolin clay in it to remove bonded contaminents; might help out there Meg`s is readily available wont harm finish.


09-05-2006, 02:56 PM

Thanks for the suggestions

09-05-2006, 03:18 PM
I use Methyl Hydrate (alcohol stove fuel I think, in the paint aisle). It works like a charm. Dampen a cloth, dab, dab, dab, dab. Try not to scrub.

09-06-2006, 04:10 AM
That stuff you`re calling "tree sap" - I bet it`s probably aphid "honeydew" (aphid poop). They eat the sap and excrete the "honeydew".

09-06-2006, 09:20 AM
That stuff you`re calling "tree sap" - I bet it`s probably aphid "honeydew" (aphid poop). They eat the sap and excrete the "honeydew".

Its red in color of which I had not seen before....most all pine tree sap is clear or yellowish....so who knows you could be right