View Full Version : Honda HRV B Pillar Vinyl Tape Detailing Question

06-09-2023, 08:07 AM
Does anyone have a suggestion for cleaning the B Pillar vinyl tape they use on a 2018 Honda HRV? It is basically a flat black matte vinyl tape.
Besides scratching very easily, the finger prints and stains seem to mark it up very easy too. I washed the car and now the scratches are more visible as well as the marks from fingers constantly touching it to close the door. I was wondering if a cleaner spray on wax or something similar to that would work? If it could help to hide some of the scratches, even better.

Setec Astronomy
06-09-2023, 10:14 AM
It seems to me a really light cleaner like Klasse AIO is what I have used on those kind of surfaces before, but I haven`t done it for a long time. Something like Optimum Poli-Seal would be good also...if they still made that. As I think you are aware, you have to be really gentle on that because...it`s just a vinyl wrap. Perhaps some other members have some more modern suggestions.

06-10-2023, 12:58 PM
jhorton6- Welcome to Autopia!

I recommend that you *NOT* try to do much correction of that stuff as it can be incredibly thin (and fragile).

When it`s too thin/fragile for correction, I do as Setec suggested and prep it with KAIO and then layer on the Klasse Sealant Glaze, which I find protects it rather well. Doesn`t do much to conceal the existing marring though.

I`m straining to resist the temptation to suggest admonishing others to never touch such surfaces when closing the doors...I`d have a... discussion... with anybody who ever touched my vehicles like that.