View Full Version : I made some mistakes, hopefully someone can learn from them.

07-26-2022, 11:20 AM
I FINALLY made a few mistakes with the Flex Wax. I`m going to post about it so maybe others will learn from my screw ups and have a better experience. My recent experience HAS NOT soured me on Flex Wax, it`s made me realize that you can`t rush and try to do things super fast.

Mistake #1. The wife needed her car by a certain time, and I thought I could top the 2 coats of Max Wax with Flex in that time frame.

Mistake #2. The car was in direct sunlight. While I have used Flex Wax in direct sun and heat, WITHOUT issue, this time, because of all my mistakes added together, it became an issue.

Mistake #3. I used a foam applicator AND sprayed directly on the panel (1 to 1.5 sprays). These 2 things made me apply the Flex Wax too heavy. Which is odd, because the To The Max Wax works GREAT with a foam applicator, it goes on REAL smooth and thin, better than with a microfiber applicator, the Flex appears to work better with a microfiber, thinner and more even. Now I know which type of applicator to use with what product.

Mistake #4. I applied it to the whole car, instead of doing sections at a time. This, combined with the sun and heat, REALLY bonded the FW to the paint and made removal much more difficult than it should have been, it usually removes very easily-wipe, buff and done,

As a result, the wife needed the car before I was done and there is still Flex Wax on the roof, front end and right front fender. So now, in order to correct things, I`m going to have to rewash & dry the car when it gets back (which should remove some of the residue), then reapply the Flex Wax, panel by panel, removing it as I go, the way I SHOULD HAVE done in the first place. I guess it just goes to show: DON`T GET IN A RUSH and don`t change the way you do things, because you`re in a rush, it will bite you in the butt.

07-26-2022, 11:24 AM
? Don since you already know you`re root cause.

Why are you doing it in the sun anyhow...
When removal becomes a ###, not only is is hard/harder....you are also pressing/rubbing harder to remove. Which = potential marring...
So removal aside, you may be -inducing-
Indoors or shade . Ha, it`s like you`re choosing sun just to test its limits...

07-26-2022, 12:06 PM
? Don since you already know you`re root cause.

Why are you doing it in the sun anyhow...
When removal becomes a ###, not only is is hard/harder....you are also pressing/rubbing harder to remove. Which = potential marring...
So removal aside, you may be -inducing-
Indoors or shade . Ha, it`s like you`re choosing sun just to test its limits...

Probably because I was in one of my moods and "Had to do it NOW!" lol My garage is not big enough to get around the entire car, I would have to do part of the car, then pull it out and back it in to get the other half of the car (I know, such a chore, but I`ll probably start doing exactly that.), plus I`ve done it in the sun before without issue, it`s just that this time, because I was applying it differently than I normally would have, it went on too heavy, making removal difficult.

Normally, I would agree with you that "hard to remove" = harder wiping and possible defect installation. But with the Hybrid Solutions Line, it is usually just a light wipe with a damp towel, followed by a light buff with a plush, fluffy towel. I was getting heavy smearing and spots where the `damp wipe` wasn`t removing the residue, which is why I decided to stop and start over with a fresh wash. A friction wash followed by drying with microfiber towels (NOT my PFM) should take the bulk of the residue off. And since `Like removes Like,` a THIN application of Flex Wax followed by an immediate wipe & buff should take care of any remaining residue and put me where I want to be.

07-26-2022, 12:30 PM
I`ve used several products in the sun without issues such as Wolfgang and Zaino. One potential issue with waxes is that you reach a point where applying another coat may liquify and smear a previous coat. Some products layer better than others.

07-26-2022, 01:05 PM
I avoid the sun in general .
Timing the washes - I either wash them top of the morning - like 6 in the summer (before it pokes out) and or when it starts shading in the afternoon. And that`s just car washing...

Does like-remove-like when after the fact that the sun has baked it on still work :yikes:

07-26-2022, 04:08 PM
I just went out and tried a bit of the fender and now I firmly believe that my issues are stemming from over-application, too much product. I`m also just as confidant that a contact wash will remove the excess.

07-27-2022, 09:03 AM
Max Wax is the paste "wax" from Turtle Wax`s PRO Hybrid Solution, the Flex Wax is the spray version from said TW-ProHS.
I assume this was on your wife`s Ford Escape that you have mentioned in other posts that needs some detailing attention, which, due to your personal schedule and time constraints, has been "neglected" by yourself. What color is the Escape? And what was the ambient temperature when this Flex Wax was applied? (Not that it matters, but dark vehicles` exterior paint does get hot in the sun)

Thanks for the confession of this detailing "faux pas". As the adage goes, "learn from someone else`s mistakes."
More interested in how the Escape turned out after fixing/overcoming this "problem."

07-27-2022, 11:24 AM
Max Wax is the paste "wax" from Turtle Wax`s PRO Hybrid Solution, the Flex Wax is the spray version from said TW-ProHS.
I assume this was on your wife`s Ford Escape that you have mentioned in other posts that needs some detailing attention, which, due to your personal schedule and time constraints, has been "neglected" by yourself. What color is the Escape? And what was the ambient temperature when this Flex Wax was applied? (Not that it matters, but dark vehicles` exterior paint does get hot in the sun)

Thanks for the confession of this detailing "faux pas". As the adage goes, "learn from someone else`s mistakes."
More interested in how the Escape turned out after fixing/overcoming this "problem."

I wants to rain today, but it`s holding off, so shortly I plan on a contact wash & drying with a microfiber cloth (Not my PFM though). I believe this will remove the baked on, over applied Flex Wax.

The car is "Ruby Red." About a week ago, I polished the car using a Meguiar`s maroon cutting pad and the Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Polish and Wax. Then put a thin coat of the Max Wax on the car. I waited 12 hours (I had to work that night and couldn`t wait the recommended 24) and put a second thin layer on. Yesterday was totally my fault, I really over applied the Flex Wax. I used a foam applicator, which as I found out the hard way is NOT a good choice for the spray formula, even though foam was awesome for the liquid Max Wax. I will post a follow up after washing & drying the car.

07-27-2022, 02:07 PM
I washed & dried the Escape just in time for it to pour down rain :wacko: The contact wash & dry DID remove a lot of the baked in, over -applied mess, but not where it had been applied REALLY heavy. My next step (when/if it stops raining) is the "like removes like" method...where you apply a little of the same product that`s stuck on to the problem areas, work it until the stubborn spot dissolves and remove it per the product instructions. In this case a damp cloth followed by a dry buff. If that works, I`ll probably just apply it to the whole car again because I consider this a failed application and totally my fault. If THAT doesn`t work (and I really don`t see it not working), I`ll grab an abrasive polish and start from scratch.

BTW, the car LOOKS great - from a distance where you can`t see the baked on wax. Beads really well too.

07-27-2022, 04:38 PM
Disregard my last post. I just went out to dry the car off from the rain and ALL the excess wax came off without a struggle - go figure. Now the car looks great - even up close and personal. The red just GLOWS!