View Full Version : Clumpy Colorlouck

07-14-2022, 08:52 AM
My bottle of Colourlock protect while doesn`t smell sour.....and it`s been well shaken and even shaken in between seats, there are white -clumps- coming out bits of spoiled milk.....

About to make a phone call but figured I`d check in to see if anyone has seen same/similar.

07-15-2022, 01:40 PM
My bottle of Colourlock protect while doesn`t smell sour.....and it`s been well shaken and even shaken in between seats, there are white -clumps- coming out bits of spoiled milk.....

About to make a phone call but figured I`d check in to see if anyone has seen same/similar.

I have a bottle as well but not used in past month.. Will check later today and let you know.

07-16-2022, 09:44 PM
Maybe try putting the bottle in some warm water and see if the chunks dissolve.