View Full Version : how mani car washs a day ?

West Coast
07-31-2006, 11:36 PM
Hi buddys , maybe is a stupid question but I like to know, how mani car washs you guys doing per day ? ( only one person ) . I do 4 car wash a day and afther that im really out of energy, what do you thing guys about my problem .

07-31-2006, 11:43 PM
It depends on how much work needs to be done. I used to do washes and basic interior vacuuming and wipe downs for a business once a week in the morning. I could bust out 8 or 10 SUVs in 5 hours. After that I would go to work at my full time job from 3:00 to midnight. It was only a once a week gig at that location, but it didn`t wipe me out too badly the next day. I don`t know if I would want to work those kinds of hours all the time, but I guess if I had to...

08-01-2006, 02:52 AM
A busy day doing wash hoover windows de dust etc would be ten cars its pretty hard when you factor the parking etc,to do that every day would be hard after a day like that you sleep well .

08-01-2006, 07:57 PM
I try to do no more than 8. I haven`t done more than 10 in many years. Most was around 17. Usually though by the 6th or 8th vehicle, I have an endless number of reasons to stop :)