View Full Version : 2nd 303 Graphene experience

10-10-2021, 03:08 AM
Just over 3 months ago, I tried out 303`s Graphene Nano Spray Coating. Looking back now, I made several mistakes with it.

First, I didn`t let it `set up` for the recommended 5 minutes, I buffed it off sooner (which according to 303 will negatively affect the longevity). Too, I immediately (within the hour) applied a 2nd coat instead of waiting 12 - 24 hours. Three months later, the appearance was still mostly there - even though it went almost 2 months without any maintenance (washing / topping). The water behavior definitely took a hit with the most affected areas being the top surfaces of the car, showing the least amount of beading/sheeting.

This time, I took more care in how I applied the 303. I divided the car into 3 large sections and two smaller sections. The hood/roof/trunk lid and glass being one section. The right and left sides of the car was each a section (fender/door/quarter panel) and finally the front and rear bumper covers. The 303 applies so fast and so easily, it`s easier for me to apply it to a larger section of the car, so by the time I finish application to that section, it`s been roughly 5 minutes and time to start buffing it off.

So I would apply it to the top section, then buff it off. Next I would apply it to both sides of the car, then buff off each side in turn. Then I would get the front bumper cover then the rear then buff off. Doing it this way and allowing at least 5 minutes to "haze" made a big difference in removal. I thought it was easier, took less pressure on the microfiber towel and it generally removed `cleaner` than the 1st time I used it.

I applied the "1st" coat at about 6pm, about the time it`s starting to get dark here in Ohio. Then I let the car sit in the garage until about noon the next day (That`s when I washed & coated the wife mobile) and I applied the 2nd coat around 1 pm, so around 19 hours between coats. The 2nd coat went a lot faster IMO, it just seemed to go quicker. Once finished with coat #2, I went to bed since I had to work that night.

When I got up the garage was dark, so I couldn`t see the car to tell how it looked, but I had to stop and get gas and in the lights of the gas station - WOW...jet black, glossy as all get out and talk about a DEEP reflection...Gorgeous!!!

I`m off work Weds/Thurs and I can`t wait to put a 3rd coat on the car since based on what I saw the 3 months ago and what 303 says about 3 coats (They say 3 coats is the max you need to do and that it`s the bomb as far as appearance, and I agree).

In the last few days, since I work nights, the car has been heavily coated with dew when I get off work. Once I hit the highway, the dew FLIES off the car once I`m over 40 mph, and by the time I hit 65, the car is practically dry. Kind of neat to watch.

10-10-2021, 07:10 PM
Think it`s real graphene, doing graphene stuff? For now at least, there`s a lot of fakes out there. Although some of them are real, like that graphene battery that managed to pull out another... what was it, 5k mah from a battery that size. No way around it, that`s graphene actually working in some capacity. But I always question whether it`s for real.

10-11-2021, 04:10 AM
Think it`s real graphene, doing graphene stuff? For now at least, there`s a lot of fakes out there. Although some of them are real, like that graphene battery that managed to pull out another... what was it, 5k mah from a battery that size. No way around it, that`s graphene actually working in some capacity. But I always question whether it`s for real.
