View Full Version : Bad luck for me... Got screwed

07-30-2006, 08:11 AM
So I had some friends who over the last couple of months finally opened their own shop. For the most part they modify Hondas. Both owners are brothers and previously worked at different local Honda dealerships as certified Honda Technicians.

Both my boyfriend and I were friends of the two and would commonly come over just to hang out and watch things happen. A few months ago (probably April or so I guess) I was sitting in the shop (I know.. insurance liability, but they allow friends and some customers to... though they shouldn`t) watching them do a few things around the shop.

There was a black `96 Civic coupe sitting in the garage this time. It was bought by the shop for only $1000 because the previous owner had put a rod through the block (tried to go from fifth to fourth, but went to second instead!). So the idea was to clean the car up, swap in a new motor and sell it for a decent profit.

I won`t lie.. the car was gross looking and definately not loved. As I was standing there in the shop, one of the owners, Doug walked by and pointed to me. "I want you to detail this for me." I smiled and agreed. Later I talked with his brother, the co-owner, Mike, and he agreed on a labor trade. I`d detail the car and that would go toward paying for them to install a new transmission in my car since it`s going out. I do a full interior/exterior detail for about $150. All by hand and I can take up to about a day`s worth of work.

I cleaned the car and my boyfriend even brought in some extra headlights he had sitting around since the original ones were very yellow. This year Civic has plastic lighting that often will have little cracks form through the plastic lense, so polishing does little to help. I donated an extra set of taillights since the ones the car came with had algae growing in them!

Both brothers were in the same room as I was when I detailed the car and so they`re both aware of the work that went into it. We even had to drop the rear deck because the previous owner jammed a large white erase in pieces around the third brake light because the aftermarket sub would cause the rear deck to rattle a bit. The eraser melted to the plastic and the glass.

Once I finished up Doug was so happy with the detail that he asked me to do the same to his car, a highly modified blue and black Subaru STi. I agreed and mentioned to him that I had made an agreement with his brother to do the black Civic for a labor trade. I asked if we could do the same with the STi and he said that though he`d rather just pay me that it`d be fine.

I detailed the STi with no problem. Both cars were washed, clay barred, polished, glazed, and waxed. Plus windows, vacuum (neither had stains inside nor did I have an extractor anyway), interior cleaning, and dressing (no tire dressing on the STi since I know the owner doesn`t like them dressed).

I`ve basically come to terms with it now, and I know I should have gotten this all in writing... but I`m never getting paid for the work now. They dragged their feet on swapping the tranny for a good 3-4 weeks even though I had the transmission sittign in their shop and I`m currently unemployed and could be there just with a simple phone call. They finally moved the transmission and figured out that it`s worse off than the one currently in my car. I figure I might just teach myself how to rebuild one on that tranny later for fun I guess. Since I`m stuck with it at least.

After figuring out about the transmission and becoming very wary of their repeated words of, "we have to finish our paying customers first," I just asked to be paid the $300 straight up instead. Just get it over with before there`s anymore stress between the two parties.

I was told that they could get those cars detailed for free so why would they pay me. Funny since the one owner, Mike, made sure to let me know that his navy blue lifted Jeep Wrangler had been detailed, including the under carriage, for $70. Gee, that`s about $70 more than free. My boyfriend just got a phone call a few days ago and we were both told that we are no longer welcome at their shop. First Doug asked my boyfriend if he kept up on what I posted online... When my boyfreind told him he knew what I`ve been posting, it sounds like Doug got upset. My boyfriend told him he agrees with me and he even heard Mike agree to the original deal for the Civic. Once Doug heard that my boyfriedn agreed with what I`ve been saying Doug expended the banning from the shop to my boyfriend too. That`s okay, we`re so concerned with their business practices now that we`re afraid to bring our cars over. Sad too since they`re really good mechanics. Unfortunately they`re crappy business men though!

I guess I just figured since they were suppsoed to be friends that I didn`t need to write it all out. Boy was I wrong. At best let this be a lesson to anyone else out there that might think about doing anything similar.

Oh yeah, and here`s the photos of the cars. I only have before and after shots of the Civic though.

Okay... now finally for some recent details! Here`s a `96 Honda Civic EX coupe I was asked to do for a business. It`s Granada Black Pearl which is a black paint with a goldish colored pearl in it. They picked it up for $1000 after the previous owner threw a rod. He told us he was driving through town and it suddenly just stopped... :lol:

The before pics.


(We just decided to end up putting an extra set of headlights we had on it instead.)


Apparently the rear deck began to shake (perhaps because of the system that had been installed in it). Erasers jammed between the deck and the rear window was the solution... They melted to the plastic.


And after... Too bad this one had paint damage and etching that I couldn`t take care of with the products I had, which are all applied by hand.




And after seeing the Civic, the other owner of the shop these photos were taken in was so happy that he asked me to detail his STi. I kind of find this funny because before the closest I was allowed to get to washing his car was he allowed me to rinse it while he washed it. :lol: No befores on this one either, but it was an easy job because the owner is pretty picky about the care of his vehicle. This car is stock World Rally Blue Pearl with an aftermarket black pearl front end.



Oh, and one more interesting side note.... that Civic was sold. I believe it was somewhere in the market of $5700. It`s in the same apartment complex I live. What chance!

07-30-2006, 08:47 AM
Well, now you know where you stand with them. Did you have fun doing the details? It would seem that this would be the only way to justify the work. Quality people are out there. Apparently these two brothers are not what I would call the cream of the crop.

I am sorry for the real life lesson. If they were quality people they would stand behind there word. If it were me I would seperate myself from people such as these.

Your pictures of the details are a testament of your work. You can and should be proud!!!

07-30-2006, 09:07 AM
I am sorry for the real life lesson. If they were quality people they would stand behind there word. If it were me I would seperate myself from people such as these.

Your pictures of the details are a testament of your work. You can and should be proud!!!I agree with cwcad. What i find ironic is that your friends or people we beleive to be friends will be the 1st to screw you. Your work is very good especially for someone who does it all by hand i beleive your price was more then fair not including all the extras you tossed inn ,btw very good work ethics..

07-30-2006, 11:09 AM
I did work for a shop like that once. It was good steady work because they always had a stream of cars coming through. I told them what I would charge the shop and then they could charge the customer whatever they wanted. I knew the shop had a little bit of a sketchy reputation, so I insisted on being paid upfront. Good thing too. They ended up blowing town with half a dozen cars still half assembled and paid for. I had stopped detailing for them by then, but it just goes to show that some people will screw anybody.

It sounds like that shop preys on the uninformed anyway. They likely just get a bunch of ricers with blown engines because that shop didn`t do the last job properly. lol I wouldn`t worry too much about them. Kharma has a way of catching up with people like that.

07-30-2006, 01:32 PM
Thanks everyone. I still enjoy detailing. I get a lot of compliments on these cars, especially the Civic. What you can`t tell from the photos is the Civic has etching from bird droppings on the hood and front bumper. The paint isn`t in the best condition at all.

I thought I`d posted the link to a thread on another site I belong to that showed all the details of what happened in order almost to the date, but I must have been too tired. Anyway, here it is again.


That tells some of the details I left out. Like how the acted to a friend the last time my boyfriend decided to stop by there an dbring them business (just putting coilovers on, but it`s easier with air tools and lifts).

In that thread I also link why the one owner, Doug, is currently sleeping in jail each night. Nothing to do with my situation though. I figure since it was a verbal contract (twice actually...) then it`s a lot of their word against mine. So it seems difficult to prove and honestly too much of a hassle for me. I`ll just keep spreading the word of their shady business practices.

07-30-2006, 03:05 PM
I`m so sorry to hear your story. That really sucks! I agree with Jngrbrdmn that what goes around will come back around to them. Your work is excellent and if that civic is indeed in your neighborhood I would tell them that you`re the one who detailed it! They might send some business your way. :)

07-30-2006, 03:27 PM
Well it seems to me that you have a chance to get even take them to small claims court and sue them for the $300 and you have your BF as a witness bring the pictures with you and tell your story to the Judge its worth it as was your time I would also charge them 100 for the head lamps you installed on the honda Good Luck :boot

07-30-2006, 03:31 PM
I`m so sorry to hear your story. That really sucks! I agree with Jngrbrdmn that what goes around will come back around to them. Your work is excellent and if that civic is indeed in your neighborhood I would tell them that you`re the one who detailed it! They might send some business your way. :)
It`s filthy. :( I`m pretty sure they don`t care much about the paint or how the car looks. I`ll probably put some flyers up near the mailboxes here soon though because as of right now I`m not sure how I`m paying my insurance on the second. Much less the car payment on the fifteenth.

I have a 2006 red Civic coupe that wants a detail (has waterspots from the dealer - it`s not even a month old) plus that girl`s parents want an F150 and an F350 done too. They`re usually charged $250 apiece for the trucks from what I understand.

07-30-2006, 03:50 PM
That would be great if you get those jobs! You`ve taken an hard knock right now for sure, but I hope it doesn`t make you lose faith in people. The world is full of good people and bad people. You seem like a very good person and I`m sure that your luck will change for the better soon. You do excellent work and if I may offer a suggestion I would print out a before and after picture for the flyer so that others can see the work you do. I wish you all the best. Keep your chin up. :)

07-31-2006, 10:17 PM
I feel your pain. My supposed "friend" of ten years or so did the same thing to me recently. His dad owns a body shop and I brought my WRX there to have them fix some minor damage to it, which I had planned to just put through my insurance. He insisted that we could do it ourselves and he would only charge me for materials. Well after brushing me off for four months, even after my insisting multiple times that we do it through the regular channels, we finally fixed the part of the car that was the LEAST of my concerns. He completely diregarded fixing the other, more important part of the car that he knew I wanted done...even after I reminded him as we were doing it that we still needed to fix that part. I couldn`t believe it. WTF? I guess money changes people. He`s turning into his dad who is a complete b@st@rd and would stick it to his own grandmother. And to think I was the crew chief on his modified for six years... six days a week for four months out of the year...for no pay. I`ve learned many lessons from this as I`m sure you have as well. Just be glad you`re a better person than that.

10-06-2006, 01:38 PM
Sorry to hear about what happened. Like everyone else says it`s really unfortunate that they have to conduct their business that way. Kharma will definitely catch up to them. Nice work on the cars by the way.

flash gordon
05-06-2009, 08:54 AM
Here is the solution when someone says:Since we are friends you are gonna give me a price break, right?
I respond: Since we are such good friends how about you pay me double.