View Full Version : Acrylic products - layering - micro etching?

05-04-2021, 03:33 PM
Hope you all are enjoying some spring weather, finally having some slightly warm sunny days here in NYC after a cool wet spring.

I have some acrylic products, haven`t been using out of concern for "micro etching". Half bottles of original DWG (possibly has cleaners in it as I understand), Danase Acrylic Sealant and a full bottle (unused) of Werkstatt Acrylic Jett. I don`t know what "micro etching" means. Potential paint wear when applied to bare paint? Is it ok to layer any of these with other sealants? I am an acolyte of the Accumulator School of Car Finish Care Philosophy, I am a longtime user of FK 1000p which has shown good endurance for me in northeastern winters. Admirer of Ron Ketcham`s well earned wisdom as well.

Thanks, regards to all, Steve

05-04-2021, 04:58 PM
I wouldn`t worry about that. I think it`s nonsense.