View Full Version : You are kidding, right??

Ron Ketcham
04-19-2021, 07:39 PM
What`s the logic?
Person places post saying their 50,000 mile, 10 year old car has never been in the rain!!!

???? Like----So one would assume it has never had a car wash for 10 years???

Logic is not such peoples strong point !!!

Bill D
04-19-2021, 07:44 PM
Who said that? I believe it`s possible if the person bought the car purely as a show car. One of my cars hasn`t seen rain since the spring of `97 but I use it as a show car only

04-19-2021, 08:15 PM
LOL, you`re so right. Never mind the 6 months it sat outside on the dealer`s lot during winter or a wet spring.

04-19-2021, 09:14 PM
I think it`s a pride thing and a way to express how much you cared about it. It`s something you could control to preserve something you value. I don`t drive my trucks in the rain. Sure they get washed and we`re driven in the rain for most of their lives, but one is 25 years old and the other is 16, and I can afford to garage keep them now, and drive a beater when the weather is bad or I`m going somewhere with crap parking. I have my eye on a family friend`s obs power stroke that has been garage kept and only driven in the rain when it got caught in it. That`s a big selling point to me. The truck has been stored in a climate controlled garage preserving the integrity of much of the plastic. No rain, no salt no road grime means less rust, all in all seems like a win win to me.

04-19-2021, 11:05 PM
In some cases, the guys are using it as a selling point to jack the price up some. There`s a sucker born every minute.

04-20-2021, 08:38 AM
In some cases, the guys are using it as a selling point to jack the price up some. There`s a sucker born every minute.

This i agree with 100%. I`m not paying more for something that "hasn`t been driven in the rain" versus something driven daily but in just as good of shape.

04-20-2021, 11:42 AM
My 11 year old corvette has been accidentally caught in the rain a couple of times. Zero corrosion anywhere. Even the rotors look brand new. To some that’s worth nothing. I’d pay extra when buying a car for it.

People spend a week polishing their paint and their wheel wells and under the car are a horror show. Looks good to some, not me.

04-20-2021, 11:52 AM
I`m not surprised. Whenever the idea of owning a Vette strikes me I`ll go lurk on the C7 forum. Not long ago there was a discussion about whether people ever left their cars unattended. The poster was thinking about going on a road trip and was scared to leave his car in a hotel parking lot because he would have to sleep and not be able to watch his car. Another poster answered with the fact he NEVER GETS OUT OF HIS VETTE. He gets in the car in his garage, drives it around a bit, and promptly puts it right back in the garage and then gets out. The comments about not getting the car wet were legion.

I`d be banished so quickly from that community for being a heretic, it would probably make my head spin.

I don`t get it, and I`m certainly not that type of owner. I can understand not exposing a priceless classic to salt or moisture, but other than that I`m going to drive my vehicles no matter what. If I had to avoid rain or the chance of rain, or even getting the car wet, I`d loose way to many opportunities to drive the car and enjoy it, let alone take a road trip in one. The fact our Autocross events happen rain or shine probably really make some people`s heads spin..."race in the rain!?"

IMO, cars in any form are meant to be driven and the true joy of owning one can only be fully realized when it is in motion and your are behind the wheel. There are plenty of products on the market to protect then inside and out. I`ll take the best care possible of my vehicles, but I`m also not going to fear water, bird droppings, or bug splatter.

Bill D
04-20-2021, 11:56 AM
Heh heh, I`d be rather friendly with those folks on the `Vette forum. My father hasn`t even driven his in years.

04-21-2021, 10:01 AM
I`m not surprised. Whenever the idea of owning a Vette strikes me I`ll go lurk on the C7 forum. Not long ago there was a discussion about whether people ever left their cars unattended. The poster was thinking about going on a road trip and was scared to leave his car in a hotel parking lot because he would have to sleep and not be able to watch his car. Another poster answered with the fact he NEVER GETS OUT OF HIS VETTE. He gets in the car in his garage, drives it around a bit, and promptly puts it right back in the garage and then gets out. The comments about not getting the car wet were legion.

I`d be banished so quickly from that community for being a heretic, it would probably make my head spin.

I don`t get it, and I`m certainly not that type of owner. I can understand not exposing a priceless classic to salt or moisture, but other than that I`m going to drive my vehicles no matter what. If I had to avoid rain or the chance of rain, or even getting the car wet, I`d loose way to many opportunities to drive the car and enjoy it, let alone take a road trip in one. The fact our Autocross events happen rain or shine probably really make some people`s heads spin..."race in the rain!?"

IMO, cars in any form are meant to be driven and the true joy of owning one can only be fully realized when it is in motion and your are behind the wheel. There are plenty of products on the market to protect then inside and out. I`ll take the best care possible of my vehicles, but I`m also not going to fear water, bird droppings, or bug splatter.

As funny as it sounds, telling someone how to enjoy what they have is even more silly. I’m blessed to have two other awesome cars that are way better in the rain or on long trips than my vette.

It’s silly to me when Vette owners drive them in a parade. Funny thing is the smiles are so big, they seem a lot happier than someone trying to get better lap times.

04-21-2021, 12:39 PM
I`m not surprised. Whenever the idea of owning a Vette strikes me I`ll go lurk on the C7 forum. Not long ago there was a discussion about whether people ever left their cars unattended. The poster was thinking about going on a road trip and was scared to leave his car in a hotel parking lot because he would have to sleep and not be able to watch his car. Another poster answered with the fact he NEVER GETS OUT OF HIS VETTE. He gets in the car in his garage, drives it around a bit, and promptly puts it right back in the garage and then gets out. The comments about not getting the car wet were legion.
I saw that thread...:blink:

To get the true Corvette Forum experience, take a gander in C8 General, some really bizarre stuff in there...and it usually results in an argument no matter how mundane the original topic. To be fair though, those C8 guys have had a loooong road in getting their cars (well, the ones who have gotten them anyway). Initial release delayed due to the factory working out some gremlins, then they get hit with the UAW strike delay, then COVID delays, now mfg delays due to chip shortages. In between some common issues w/ frunk opening while under way, leaking front end lift reservoirs and a few other "Well, that didn`t go as planned" items.

I think the strangest thread I`ve ever seen there was a one that ran to 100+ posts entitled "How do you wear your hat when cruising?" And just to provide some full disclosure, when we sold our 2004 in January of 2019 it still had much of the factory fill of windshield washer fluid in it; it went out in the rain many times but I guess the washers were never really needed :lol: We did drive it through about 200 miles of Spring blizzard in April of 2005 so that pretty much eliminated the "Never seen bad weather thing" early on; it was a terrifying experience. :eek:

04-21-2021, 01:44 PM
As funny as it sounds, telling someone how to enjoy what they have is even more silly. I’m blessed to have two other awesome cars that are way better in the rain or on long trips than my vette.

It’s silly to me when Vette owners drive them in a parade. Funny thing is the smiles are so big, they seem a lot happier than someone trying to get better lap times.

Maybe it didn`t come across right, but I wasn`t trying to say my way of enjoying a car is correct, I was simply trying to say I really don`t understand it. To each their own. If I`ve got something fun in the drive I`m going to get behind the wheel every opportunity. Short trip, long trips, track time etc. Snow and ice get their due respect, but anything else is game on. It pains me to see a great car sitting tucked away in a garage and never driven.

Funny you mention the lap times. The only time I really see any Vette`s are at autocross events. They are mostly C5 and C6`s though I have seen an occasional C7 but they are always either a Grand Sport or a Z06, never a Stingray. There was actually a C7 Z06 at our last event. Around here parade cars are all truck and SUV`s. Maybe the occasional classic, but 99.9% are trucks. Makes you wonder where all the Vettes go because they aren`t on the road even when the weather is nice.

I saw that thread...:blink:

To get the true Corvette Forum experience, take a gander in C8 General, some really bizarre stuff in there...and it usually results in an argument no matter how mundane the original topic. To be fair though, those C8 guys have had a loooong road in getting their cars (well, the ones who have gotten them anyway). Initial release delayed due to the factory working out some gremlins, then they get hit with the UAW strike delay, then COVID delays, now mfg delays due to chip shortages. In between some common issues w/ frunk opening while under way, leaking front end lift reservoirs and a few other "Well, that didn`t go as planned" items.

It has been a rough go for those owners and I feel for them, but lately I`m seeing more C8`s than C7`s...not sure what that is all about considering the really low production numbers. I have a feeling if I was in their boat and finally received my car I`d burn up most of my annual vacation hours making up for lost time and driving the silly thing EVERYHWERE possible.

And just to provide some full disclosure, when we sold our 2004 in January of 2019 it still had much of the factory fill of windshield washer fluid in it; it went out in the rain many times but I guess the washers were never really needed :lol: We did drive it through about 200 miles of Spring blizzard in April of 2005 so that pretty much eliminated the "Never seen bad weather thing" early on; it was a terrifying experience. :eek:

To be fair, if your Vette is like my cars, those washer reservoirs hold a GALLON or more washer fluid! Between sneaky dealer top-ups when it goes in for service and sheer volume I can see you never running out. I rarely use the washers in the rain because the wipers do the job just fine, and with a huge fluid reservoir even in the winter I rarely run empty even after months of snowy and wet weather.