View Full Version : Pan The organizer fee leak lawyers involved LMAO

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04-16-2021, 08:13 PM
Two sides to every coin when you watch it

1. Good for Pan making a living. Making a YouTube video takes talent and time and you should get paid.
2. Pan the egomaniac


thought everyone would like this

04-16-2021, 08:46 PM
Can I bribe you to sum up the story for those of us who won’t click a YouTube link, especially when Pan’s name is near it?

The Guz
04-16-2021, 09:03 PM
Can I bribe you to sum up the story for those of us who won’t click a YouTube link, especially when Pan’s name is near it?

Actually this is a good one. This one is on Scott HD`s channel exposing Pan.

04-16-2021, 09:06 PM
Yep Scott the dude that does all the ceramic testing and pays out of pocket was given by a company pans direct shake down attempt and going rate to do a review. Pan is not in the video it’s a good chuckle. Pan charges $16000 per video but if your a first time customer he gives you a discount and charges $11000 what a pro ah it was good.

To play devils advocate... good for Pan an I’m jealous!!!

04-16-2021, 09:19 PM
Makes me suspicious of all the turtle wax reviewers. Its ultimately a personal choice i guess.

Bill D
04-16-2021, 09:23 PM
Apparently there`s a lot of scoundrels in the world

He once tried to make AGO his personal announcement board for his videos but got booed away by the community.

04-17-2021, 05:35 AM
Gotta love detailing drama !!!!! Gonna make some coffee and sit down and watch this one !!!!

EDIT: Just watched the vid...No surprise to me as I was always suspect of him. I would love to know the name of the company that called him out. I would support them in a heartbeat just for having integrity.

Setec Astronomy
04-17-2021, 06:31 AM
I don`t know why any of this should be a surprise. We`ve had discussions before about the money to be made from YouTube in various ways. There are various ways to make money from forums such as this one, back when DavidB owned it he used to do some stuff that seemed crazy but it was usually when he found out that people were making money from the forum (and he wanted to be the only one making money from the forum). (BTW kudos to PBMG for keeping this forum up when it is doing very little in the way of product promotion vs. AGO, unless I`m just tuning out the promotional stuff here...and I haven`t been on AGO in a year or two).

PS I`ve never seen this guy Scott HD before but I`d take with a grain of salt his professions about how he doesn`t make any money from his YouTube channel. He`s making money doing what he`s doing or he wouldn`t be doing it, whether it`s from YT or some other way. You don`t work at your job for free and neither does he. That goes for all these guys, including the detailers who do long picture-laden posts here, don`t think that`s not done to help their detailing business, as they always have been.

04-17-2021, 06:36 AM
Makes me suspicious of all the turtle wax reviewers. Its ultimately a personal choice i guess.
When Turtle Wax brought on all the Youtubers to that event to unveil the new product line broke me of ever watching review videos. They even brought a couple guys from the UK over. Why would any of them say anything negative of one of their products in the future and risk not getting the next invite. Hell I saw on another site someone posted Project Fam doing a spray wax test. Not sure if I was imagining it but it seemed he was favoring the TW product over the others and wasn`t testing it as hard as the others. Not that I`m an avid watcher of his channel, but he seems to come up with decent tests for things.

I still think a few of the guys Apex, Forensic, Waxmode are all still worth the watch. Even in a review of a product I know I`m never going to buy there will be a useful nugget of info or two that made it worth the watch.

Then again we live in a fake world, advertising has always been fake why wouldn`t 3rd party reviews be fake too. Hell chinesium peddlers on Amazon pay to have negative reviews pulled.

04-17-2021, 07:07 AM
Sounds like a bunch of whining to me; concentrate on what you`re doing, not what another guy is doing. Sour grapes from a `Detailing Geraldo Rivera` wanna-be...the righteous indignation was a nice touch.

Pan has monetized his channel and is a paid product demonstrator? Wow, what a startling revelation. Anxiously awaiting the next video "The Sun Rises In The East And Sets In The West", a Captain Obvious Production.

Setec Astronomy
04-17-2021, 07:08 AM
Why would any of them say anything negative of one of their products in the future and risk not getting the next invite.

Then again we live in a fake world, advertising has always been fake why wouldn`t 3rd party reviews be fake too.

Ah, so many stories...like 15 years ago when MOL invited some members to receive that year`s new products early, in exchange for posting reviews, and being told in advance if they did that they would also get next year`s new products for review (before they were available to the public). Who was going to put up a bad review and jeopardize getting free stuff next year before anyone else? And we always used to have "shills" here, and members who were unwitting shills. We used to have a lot of "Zaino Zealots" here who turned out to be beta testers, but they never told us that when they were extolling the virtues of Zaino. They just didn`t want to be seen as unfriendly to Sal and lose their access, so they would be a little over the top (not that Zaino wasn`t/isn`t a good product...but so is Duragloss...)

As always: caveat emptor.

Setec Astronomy
04-17-2021, 07:13 AM
Pan has monetized his channel and is a paid product demonstrator? Wow, what a startling revelation. Anxiously awaiting the next video "The Sun Rises In The East And Sets In The West", a Captain Obvious Production.

LOL. Now what are you going to tell me, that the famous people on TV trying to sell me products are paid to do that? Shoot...I thought Jennifer Anniston just wanted everyone to know she was gorgeous because she used Aveeno....and I suppose the next thing is those other people on TV aren`t real customers, that they are paid actors...just like it says underneath when they are on the screen. Or the people in car commercials are "professional drivers on closed course".

04-17-2021, 07:49 AM
LOL. Now what are you going to tell me, that the famous people on TV trying to sell me products are paid to do that? Shoot...I thought Jennifer Anniston just wanted everyone to know she was gorgeous because she used Aveeno....and I suppose the next thing is those other people on TV aren`t real customers, that they are paid actors...just like it says underneath when they are on the screen. Or the people in car commercials are "professional drivers on closed course".At the risk of altering your viewing habits, I`ve also heard that `Reality TV` is somewhat less than `real`. [emoji33]

General Toner
04-17-2021, 07:54 AM
At least McConaughey told us years ago that he was driving lincolns before he was paid to drive lincolns.

04-17-2021, 01:03 PM
Sounds like a bunch of whining to me; concentrate on what you`re doing, not what another guy is doing. Sour grapes from a `Detailing Geraldo Rivera` wanna-be...the righteous indignation was a nice touch.

Pan has monetized his channel and is a paid product demonstrator? Wow, what a startling revelation. Anxiously awaiting the next video "The Sun Rises In The East And Sets In The West", a Captain Obvious Production.

this is why a bought a used go pro and am learning Spanish! Eventually you may see a “William the Wanker channel” and I will low ball my way In at 5k a video or BOGO.