View Full Version : dry wash

07-28-2006, 10:39 AM
I want to start my own car wash business without using water. What is a good and cheap way to wash a car without water? Please recomend a product to use that will no leave any scratches. Thank you.

07-28-2006, 10:53 AM
I wonder if I ever sounded like this when I first joined? BRB, Im gonna search

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QEW, Optimum No Rinse.

But even with the right products, its you that has to make sure you dont scratch....

07-28-2006, 10:57 AM
I agree. There`s no such thing as a good way to wash a car totally without water. You can do a good job washing a car with a hose, but you`re going to need at least 4-8 gallons of water (split between two 5 gallon buckets) per car. Plus, you`ll need a rinseless wash soap like QEW, DP 4-in-1, or Optimum NRWS.

Also, as already mentioned proper technique is important.

07-28-2006, 11:38 AM
if you want somthign that needs no water i would go with pbs S&W, itmay not be as cheap as you want but it still works well. If you can spare a few gallons of water optimum no rinse wash is awsome, it works relly well and is paint safe. You could mix a bucket of i at home and throw a lid on and just put it inthe car to the destination. Good luck with your search