View Full Version : I Hope This Is Not True!

07-28-2006, 09:28 AM
That Floyd Landis is guilty of doping in this last Tour de France..I`ve been a avid pro-cycling fan since Greg Lemond won and personally raced as a catory 3 road rider for a local SF bay area team back in the 80`s...Cycling is a very demanding physical sport, but to use performance enhancing drugs is unacceptable and should be in any sport.

I can`t really believe that he would do this knowing that they are watching this...especially with the scandals over this last several years with Armstrong and the one from the Spanish the day before the race started this year.

This really makes me mad that the great sport of pro-cycling is being dragged the the mud. The most unfortunate part about this is he is being accused as guilty before the last test is in...How fair is that?

In the back of my mind I get the feeling that the French are on a witch hunt, and would have to wonder if, this had been a French win we would be seeing this type of action

I`m going to hold faith that he didn`t do anything illegal, until all the results are in and if he did then he deserves to be stripped of the yellow jersey.

Thanks I just had to vent

Scott P
07-28-2006, 09:58 AM
He has to fail the "B" sample before he is actually "guilty". I am reserving judgement until then. He`s been taking cortisone shots and those could have raised his testosterone. His power or watt numbers weren`t above his normal capabilities for those comeback stages, so the only thing pointing to doping is the first test result.

From my understanding, the first sample is a general test while the second one is more specific and accurate. I`ve also heard reports that it`s not looking good, so I guess we`ll wait for the official results.

07-28-2006, 03:07 PM
I`m hoping that it`s like Beemerboy says and that it`s just a witch hunt. Landis swore to his mother that he wasn`t doping so I hope that it is all just a lie. With him being a Mennanite (sp) he must know he is representing his whole culture and I`m sure that he would do nothing that could tarnish his name or reputation or cause shame in his community, but as Scott P says, we have to wait and see what the test shows. I for one believe he`s innocent. :)

07-28-2006, 04:36 PM
I can`t imagine he was taking steroids or anything else for that matter. Can anyone be that stupid as to do this knowing all along that they are tested at each leg of the race? He can`t possibly be that dumb as to think he could get away with that... could he?

07-28-2006, 04:46 PM
I can`t imagine he was taking steroids or anything else for that matter. Can anyone be that stupid as to do this knowing all along that they are tested at each leg of the race? He can`t possibly be that dumb as to think he could get away with that... could he?


I couldn`t agree with you more in light of all the scandals that have been floating around....I`m going to stick by my guns that this is nothing more than a tactic on the Frenches behalf to dethrone him....I think that they are still miffed that the US riders have kicked there tail ends for the last 8 years

07-28-2006, 05:05 PM
By the way, didn`t they try something like this last year with Lance?

07-28-2006, 05:11 PM
By the way, didn`t they try something like this last year with Lance?


They have tried to pin this on him for the last 7 years....Lance at the time was tested twice a month wheather he was racing or not...if he refused that was an admission of guilt...The finial report was that they could not prove he was he was but never formal came out and said he wasn`t....this shows you just how they dislike the fact that the US is kicking they butts and how bitter they are about it..IMO

07-28-2006, 06:23 PM
being a former competive cyclist i know its a dirty sport but i hope he wasnt dumb enough to think he could beat testing .. i think the french are trying to discredit him because hes american .. viva gianni

Tex Star Detail
07-28-2006, 06:29 PM
Did you all see the Jay Leno Show.... He was talking abou the Tour de France should be here in the US since all the USA does was win. LOL

he said....They got beat by a guy with cancer seven times and now a guy with a replacement hip....HAHAHA

07-28-2006, 06:43 PM
The only way for France to ever win the Tour de France is if the U.S. team stays home.

Tex Star Detail
07-28-2006, 06:46 PM
or they `roid up.........still wouldn`t be able to catch up....LOL

07-29-2006, 10:34 AM
being a former competive cyclist i know its a dirty sport but i hope he wasnt dumb enough to think he could beat testing .. i think the french are trying to discredit him because hes american .. viva gianni

Big Ron

Catory three road rider here back in the 80`s

07-29-2006, 03:46 PM
cat 3 in the 90`s monticello cycling club vacaville ..

07-29-2006, 03:59 PM
Well, I am also an avid cycling fan. I used to owna bike shop back in the 90`s before I moved interstate.

The Frennch ahve been after the americans since Lance made his first win, the had the xxxxs with an american team riding american bikes and being led by an american won the tour, It is also not fair that he be judged before being proven guilty, but at least he got to ride.

What about Ulrich and the rest they got kicked out while only under suspicion. Now thats not fair.......

Anyway Im an aussie so go Robbie McEwan and Cadel Evans and the rest of the aussie boys


07-30-2006, 10:08 AM
Well, I am also an avid cycling fan. I used to owna bike shop back in the 90`s before I moved interstate.

The Frennch ahve been after the americans since Lance made his first win, the had the xxxxs with an american team riding american bikes and being led by an american won the tour, It is also not fair that he be judged before being proven guilty, but at least he got to ride.

What about Ulrich and the rest they got kicked out while only under suspicion. Now thats not fair.......

Anyway Im an aussie so go Robbie McEwan and Cadel Evans and the rest of the aussie boys


Mc Ewan and Evans put on one heck of a show this year, are great riders I think could win with a better team effort