View Full Version : Disinfecting / Cleaning.......

09-08-2020, 06:43 PM
Hope you guys are all hanging in and making the best out of things. Now that we`re past the half a year, 6 month mark, checking in. Has you auto detailing or even home regimine changed. For me, auto wise, the only change is just wiping down the trunk panels (where we touch when we go shopping) or just the little buttons we may -press- to close the trunk. My routine on cleaning the steering wheel or interior has not changed since I wear gloves and take them off ......honestly, I`m so OCD about the steering wheel and how it feels (slightest texture/sheen change) ---- I`ve changed them just because of this

For the hose, sure it`s the whole disinfecting the grocery goods and what not.
Started this thread as my front video doorbell, mailbox and door knob (wifey gives it a alcohol or bleach spray) at the end of day....as UPS, FedEx, etc just drop the packages, ring the bell, etc. Everything is starting to having a finish wear on them due to said -chems-. Mailbox is solid brass with a hand applied finish (looks like dark bronze), etc, etc. It`s starting to take a -toll- on all my hardware. Some things like the videocam doorbell I`ll replaces, others I`ll have to look into refinish. Then I`ll have to research how the -coatings- we use will stand up repeated alcohol or bleach sprays....

09-09-2020, 09:59 AM
Great topic, following.
My local delivery people don`t even touch these touchpoints anymore. They either just drop it off without notifying the household, or they knock the door itself a few times and scramble off to the next delivery.

09-09-2020, 11:47 AM
My local delivery people don`t even touch these touchpoints anymore. They either just drop it off without notifying the household, or they knock the door itself a few times and scramble off to the next delivery.
I tell the delivery people I see to do it that way too, though I`m not all *that* worried about what they touch since we don`t touch those surfaces ourselves. Ringing/knocking just stirs up the dogs anyhow.

I`m not disinfecting the mailbox/etc. though I can understand why some might consider it necessary.

Nobody touches anything except the doorhandles on our cars, and only my wife and I touch those, so no worries for us there since we`re careful about doing our hands (and my wife`s hardly gone anywhere nor does she plan to).

Since the Virus only lives for so long on hard surfaces, and we`re not using any of the vehicles on a daily basis, we`re confident that won`t be a problem anyhow. Most of the time we only drive somewhere twice/week, so those vehicles can just sit for a few days afterwards.

09-10-2020, 03:16 PM
You have brought up a very good subject about surface sanitation of public items; Self-service gasoline nozzle handles. It is also one of the reasons the USA is continuing to see its number of COVID-19 cases continue to rise: there is is NO government-funded and applied sanitation of public streets or areas, like city parks and playgrounds. When the pandemic began in China, there were pictures on TV news media of sanitation crews in full PPE/HAZMAT suites and bonnets spraying cleansing solutions on public sidewalks and business` store fronts or areas where pedestrian traffic was heavy, like public transportation depots or terminals. I do not see that ANYWHERE in the USA cities, except in schools that have had an COVID outbreak and that is after-the-fact.

It is a VERY touchy subject because the general American populace (people) blame the government and those in power, regardless of political party association, for either not doing enough (as I have so insinuated above and in my hypocrisy despise government legislation or mandates that result in loss of my personal freedom) OR doing too much and infringing on our personal freedoms and civil rights or in doing so the government has shut down or severely hampered what WAS a thriving economy (which it has), but now will do NOT financially compensate those formerly-employed working people who have been affected by such government mandates.

It would seem that we have two choices:
1) Do we let the the American poeple act socially and work-wise like they did before the pandemic hit and those that get sick with COVID, get sick or die (the herd immunity theory) or allow individuals or local areas (state/municipal) to somewhat "control" their own personal safety
2) Does the federal government step in to limit those activities, take a more proactive role and issue preventative mandates or legislation to reduce the number of COVID cases and hopefully deaths that will occur, while suffering the economic and financial consequences for doing so, not knowing for sure how long that may be?

Which side are you on?

To give some perspective into this problem, look at what happened after the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York City since we are almost at 9/11.
The federal government took the initiative to ground all air traffic immediately after the attack for three days. Congress created and passed the Aviation and Transportation Security Act. In doing so, ALL individuals using public or private airlines were now (and still are!) subject to security screenings and body checks by TSA agents before boarding a plane. So now EVERYONE flying by a public or private airline is assumed to be a terrorist. What happened to the Constitutional Right of undue search and seizure? It was given up for the sake of public safety. How many 9/11 incidents have had since then? Just ONE, and that was a disgruntled airline employee who hijacked an empty plane for a joy ride.
So should the federal government do more to preventing COVID cases at the risk of giving up personal freedoms? If recent history is true, that answer may be self-evident.

09-10-2020, 11:03 PM
I just wear disposable nitrile gloves, put them on when I get to the gas station, do all the stuff, and then throw them away in their trash can there..
I wear them everywhere I go where I am going to be touching things that other people have touched before me.. And I always throw them away right before I get inside my car..
Eventually, this too will go away..

I am not sure that the purpose of Airplane screenings is because everyone is assumed to be a terrorist.. No, it is not a perfect system, but if it has stopped some people from blowing up airplanes, that will always be a good thing, no ? Will it ever go away? Probably not..
Dan F

09-13-2020, 10:13 AM
I am burning up boxes and boxes of my gloves. actually bought 3 more case when I saw the SHTF back in Feb. Have been watching since then and the -good gloves I prefer- has been OOS since then. Even actually sold one of my cases for 3X on ebay.....kinda regret that now. I see many who wear gloves like it`s the invisible force field....like they use it at the market or gas station, but the Kicker is, they get into the car with the gloves still on and then continue with the gloves touching the interior of the car. I digress

Anyhow, for those who are -new- to gloves, PSA, but they do have limited lifespan of 4-5`ish years from production. I would say treat them like tires and they will "dry rot" and they don`t have infinite life on them FWIW

09-13-2020, 01:01 PM
I just wear disposable nitrile gloves, put them on when I get to the gas station, do all the stuff, and then throw them away in their trash can there..

That and the autoteller at the bank are the two times I wear gloves, and yeah I too peel `em right off the second I`m finished touching those undoubtedly-touched-by-others surfaces and before I touch anything of mine.

09-14-2020, 06:58 AM
Same thing with the gloves I’ve been taking them off then leave them in car door panel and will reuse in a few day figure the car in the sun gets hot enough to sanitize what ever is on them

09-14-2020, 10:54 AM
Same thing with the gloves I’ve been taking them off then leave them in car door panel ..

99% of the time I`m just driving the Tahoe these days, and with no (human) passengers I can just toss the gloves on the passenger side floorliner (which is nice and clean) between uses. I keep work gloves in the Tahoe`s door panel, don`t want to contaminate `em.

Gee, I haven`t had to refuel any of the sedans for months now!

09-14-2020, 12:00 PM
Well, since we are this subject of cleansing/disinfecting for COVID-19, Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) is still sometimes difficult to source and find. I know N-95 masks are almost impossible to find and gloves are scarce and when you do, they command a hefty purchase price. Paper throw-away masks are much more available now.

mobiledynamics, you mentioned how hard cleaners and disinfectants, like iso-propyl alcohol and bleach-base products, are on household and auto surface materials. What I do not hear much about is the long-range effect it will have on human health and the environmental impact. For those who wash their hands with anti-bacterial soap or use hand sanitzers constantly, you know how it affects your skin from prolonged exposure. I am also "concerned" what the prodigious amount of usage of anti-bacterial chemicals will do to natural "good" bacteria that is a necessary part of the decaying process in the life cycle or even in septic system "digesters" holding tanks.

I am also wondering if the COVID-19 virus has mutated to another "strain" or version of itself and adapted to all this anti-bacterial chemicals and cleaners we have been using to combat this virus and we are seeing surge in infection rates that comes from not only the accepted American socializing without individual health constraints, but a more-rapid transmission of a new type or variant of this virus.

I am not saying we cut back on disinfecting; public mask wearing and social distancing and avoiding large crowds, along with personal hygiene like hand-washing are what we currently have as the best-know and acceptable preventative measures/practices against this COVID-19 virus. But as stated, I wonder if the virus has adapted to them and has changed its infectious transmission methods in humans, although I am sure most would agree it is (much) more likely human-caused for this high-infection rate.

09-14-2020, 04:24 PM
Gosh Lonnie. What a read....
I was on a project site 3 weeks back. I ended up in a place where I was coming/going for almost 30 times. Mentally, I was touch doorknob this, new glove. Before I step down, wash hands. Disinfect the keyboard of my laptop. Take a phone call and had to touch my phone. Wipe that. RINSE and repeat 30X that day. I deal with stress pretty well , but that day I was so Mentally Fried with the whole touch, wash/rinse/disinfect - being super precautious. I had to take a Thursday/Friday off that week and my mental stress got the better of me doing that 30X in one day.

I never analogized in my head the -good bacteria- vs the - bad bacteria- in the human ecosystem but time to mull on it for sure. Similar, akin to how pesticides/herbicides in the soil/garden/etc - you kill the stuff you want, but there is detrimental effects to the good ones as well

09-15-2020, 03:06 PM
No need for anti-bacterial soaps for COVID-19 since that`s not the characteristic that mitigates it; "regular soap" compromises the virus to where it doesn`t do it`s thing by messing up its outer layer (to put it simply).

IMO it`s *just like* what mobiledynamics alluded to: you wouldn`t use a non-discriminating herbicide in lawns/gardens lest you kill things you want along with those you don`t; don`t use anti-bacterial stuff unless you`re dealing with (unwanted) bacteria...at least not if you can help it.

09-15-2020, 03:08 PM
I know N-95 masks are almost impossible to find...

I haven`t looked into them since I`ve always kept plenty on-hand anyhow, but Accumulatorette just said that she found `em online (was looking for somebody else..). Maybe it`s time for you to try again, they might have `em back in stock now.