View Full Version : New Car Questions (FK1000p, etc)

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04-22-2020, 11:13 AM
Hey All - I have been a longtime lurker and have enjoyed reading this forum over the years to get tips and recommendations to help take care of my family`s cars. My wife got a new car this month and I want to make sure I do a couple of things right from the get-go to take good care of it. It is a white Honda and will be parked in a garage every night. Our goal would be to hand wash it weekly. I bought a few products recently to help me get started. I bought some Optimum Car Wash (already had and use DG901). I wanted to compare those 2. I also bought some FK1000P and 425 to go with it.

I practiced on my 13 year old Toyota last weekend and I think it went well. The wax went on very easily and came off very easily. It looks good so far and I am pleased for sure. I had some old Duragloss 501/601 that I put on first in an effort to clean the paint up a little. One of my questions would be do I need to do something like that on the new car since it has new paint and is in much better shape? Or would I just wash and apply the FK1000P? On the Toyota, I put it on the paint, glass, wheels and chrome trim.

However, I did not want to attempt to apply this to the black plastic trim. That leads me to another question, what should I do to start protecting the black trim pieces on the car. The Toyota`s is old and graying and I would like to take better care of the new car`s trim. But I am unsure what to do there.

I am also unsure of what to do about tire cleaner/dressing. I guess depending on the trim product, there may be some overlap to what I use on the tires but I am just unsure what`s out there. I prefer a non-glossy finish on the tires. If i maintain the car like I hope and use the FK1000P on the wheels, I expect that I wouldn`t really need a strong wheel cleaner but I don`t want whatever tire cleaner I use to eat through the wax on the wheels.

My goal in all this is to not make things overly complicated. I don`t mind ordering products on the internet or picking something up OTC. I just want a few basic items in my arsenal that will help me maintain our new car for a long time. I appreciate any help and advice.

04-22-2020, 11:40 AM
Those are great products you have - old school and proven. I always enjoy using 425.
So, regarding the new car, no one can give you exact advice without first seeing the condition of the paintwork, but if I had your white Honda, I would definitely do the following before applying the FK “wax”:

Wash the car twice, or in other words go over each panel twice, with your Opt car wash.
Dry the car.
Use CarPro Iron-X on the car.
Clay the car.
Wipe down with CarPro Eraser.

Then “Wax” the car with the FK1000. Wait 12+ hours. Wax it again.

04-22-2020, 11:44 AM
Welcome to Autopia!

Your lurking probably had you suspecting that I`d see the title of this thread and chime in :D

I bet that FK looks great and worked fine over the DG. IMO, whether the new Accord needs it or not would depend on what *you* think, same as with decontamination/etc. Some new vehicles need it (and white does show any rust-blooms from ferrous contamination once it oxidizes) while others don`t and I wouldn`t fix what isn`t broken (nor neglect fixing what is).

Exterior Trim: While the 845 is a good choice that`s worked well for me, in the future you might consider a Trim Sealant (I use Ultima`s Tire & Trim Guard + ), which *for some of us* lasts a lot longer.

I usually prep trim for 845 with an AIO, usually Klasse. I don`t know whether the DG is a good choice for that or not, but even if it is I`d employ a "wipe on wipe off" approach rather than letting it dry on the trim (I almost always do the 845 that way too). An AIO might help bring back the Toyota`s trim, and/or there are other approaches to improve it if you want to get more involved about it.

For other trim prep jobs, I like Griot`s Rubber Prep, which works great on plastics as well as rubber and provides a good prep for the Ultima TTG+.

[QUOTE=ThatsSoSpursy;2173410]Hey All - I have been a longtime lurker and have enjoyed reading this forum over the years to get tips and recommendations to help take care of my family`s cars. My wife got a new car this month and I want to make sure I do a couple of things right from the get-go to take good care of it. It is a white Honda and will be parked in a garage every night. Our goal would be to hand wash it weekly. I bought a few products recently to help me get started. I bought some Optimum Car Wash (already had and use DG901). I wanted to compare those 2. I also bought some FK1000P and 425 to go with it.

I`m of the same mind regarding not stripping the FK off my wheels by using the wrong Tire Cleaner, so I`ve been using Griot`s Rubber Cleaner, which is *awfully* mild ("awfully" is the precise word..it`s so gentle it hardly hurts the dirt and will be too much so for many). If/when I switch to something more potent, I`ll probably go with Tuff Shine`s cleaner, and might use their Tire dressing too..haven`t decided. DG makes a low-sheen one that`s also on my short-list (I`m using up stuff that I`ve had for years first).

I never use the dressing approach (which I call "slime" ;) ) on trim, only on tires.

And as you suspected, with FK1000P on the wheels a sorta-strong shampoo mix usually works fine.

And I really like reading about your desire to not go overboard with this stuff!

04-22-2020, 11:45 AM
WaxAddict- Heh heh, you`re quicker, and more succinct, that Yours Truly :D

Good point about waiting a day or so and doing a second coat of the FK. I might add another after the next regular wash, but IME it pays to *not* overdo the layering with that stuff.

04-22-2020, 11:51 AM
WaxAddict- Heh heh, you`re quicker, and more succinct, that Yours Truly :D

Good point about waiting a day or so and doing a second coat of the FK. I might add another after the next regular wash, but IME it pays to *not* overdo the layering with that stuff.

Right Accumulator; in fact, overdoing the layering on any wax or sealant has been, IME, at best a waste of time, and at worst a detriment to the cured layers. The exception is Klasse of course.

04-22-2020, 12:36 PM
Thanks for the replies so far. My purchase of the FK1000P was in large part due to Accumulator (and others) on here. I will look into some of the products mentioned, like the Iron-X and Eraser to prep the paint and the Griot`s and Ultima for the trim. Would the Ultima be good on the tires as well? I am using DG253 on my tires now and I am almost out. I could buy that again or try something new. I assume using the FK425 as a drying aid wouldn`t hurt the Ultima on the trim would it?

I plan to add a 2nd coat to both vehicles spaced about a week apart.

04-22-2020, 12:40 PM
Also, months from now when I will need to "wax" again, should I be doing the same prep steps (like Iron-X & Eraser) or just apply the FK1000P?

04-22-2020, 12:45 PM
I have maybe 4 coats of FK1000P on both the `93 Audi and the Crown Vic, but gee those applications are years-old now so who knows what`s really left, and I did apply them over a somewhat extended period (well, over weeks, not months).

Full Disclosure/True Confession: Ron Ketcham, who sure oughta know, says that my "psueudo-hologram issue from overlayering FK1000P" is a matter of user-error. I dunno...I certainly won`t argue *anything* related to the FK with Ketch, but eh...I`m not ready to change my ways over it either (OK, my bad :o guilty as charged).

ThatsSoSpursy- That plan with the FK sounds fine. Just get another on there as soon as you notice anything changing..or after a few months even if you don`t.

I`ve never tried the Ultima on the tires! Sounds goofy, huh...but I haven`t. No idea how well it`d work...fear of dissatisfaction kept me from attempting it (I tell myself that`s OK since I really do want to use up my gallons of Tire Slime :o ).

The FK425 won`t hurt the Ultima at all, but I`d probably skip it if refreshing the UTTG + (although the Ultima has proven surprisingly NON-finicky).

FWIW, while I do love/use/recommend the FK425, most of the time I just use a near QD-strength mix of Garry Dean`s Infinite Use Detail Juice instead. The IUDJ has proven 100% compatible with the FK and the Ultima, although I suspect YMMV! could apply so I`d be a *little* careful in making sure it plays nice with the Ultima when redoing same.

But as far as using such stuff on the FK and the Ultima once they`ve set up, no problems IME, not ever.

04-22-2020, 01:28 PM
I am also unsure of what to do about tire cleaner/dressing. I guess depending on the trim product, there may be some overlap to what I use on the tires but I am just unsure what`s out there. I prefer a non-glossy finish on the tires. If i maintain the car like I hope and use the FK1000P on the wheels, I expect that I wouldn`t really need a strong wheel cleaner but I don`t want whatever tire cleaner I use to eat through the wax on the wheels.

I have put about 5 layers of FK on my wheels with about 3 or 5 days between applications and IME I have not noticed any difference. To me not worth the effort as doing the many spokes is not a quicke. Again, that`s my experience with FK and wheels. FK on paint may end up being my only wax I will keep in my arsenal.

04-22-2020, 03:06 PM
Anyone have an opinion on GG Vinyl & Rubber Dressing for either my tires and/or trim on the car?

04-22-2020, 07:44 PM
FK looks good on our white 17 highlander
I use Jescar powerlock sealant on my trim
dont get the fk on your trim
I run out of the optimum car wash last year and tried the duragloss because autopia and Autogeek were out of stock on the optimum
i like the suds on the optimum a little bit more

04-22-2020, 08:49 PM
FK looks good on our white 17 highlander
I use Jescar powerlock sealant on my trim
dont get the fk on your trim
I run out of the optimum car wash last year and tried the duragloss because autopia and Autogeek were out of stock on the optimum
i like the suds on the optimum a little bit more

Thanks Fishroes, that’s good to know about the OCW. I usually find myself using a little more soap than normal anyways to get more suds.

04-23-2020, 07:45 AM
Those are great products you have - old school and proven. I always enjoy using 425.
So, regarding the new car, no one can give you exact advice without first seeing the condition of the paintwork, but if I had your white Honda, I would definitely do the following before applying the FK “wax”:

Wash the car twice, or in other words go over each panel twice, with your Opt car wash.
Dry the car.
Use CarPro Iron-X on the car.
Clay the car.
Wipe down with CarPro Eraser.

Then “Wax” the car with the FK1000. Wait 12+ hours. Wax it again.

Are there any good OTC products like Iron-X and CarPro Eraser? Wife wants her car done this weekend but I couldn`t get those delivered before Saturday. I assume that the iron remover would be the most important part of the prep, is that correct?

04-23-2020, 08:34 AM
Are there any good OTC products like Iron-X and CarPro Eraser? Wife wants her car done this weekend but I couldn`t get those delivered before Saturday. I assume that the iron remover would be the most important part of the prep, is that correct?

Eagle One Black & Plasticoat Wheel Cleaner is the cheapest (and my favorite), if you can find it. Next would be Meguiar`s Ultimate All Wheel Cleaner then Griot`s Garage Heavy Duty Wheel Cleaner, as alternatives to Iron-X. Immediate OTC alternative to CarPro Eraser would be Rustoleum Grease & Wax Remover or Duplicolor Grease & Wax Remover in the black bottle. I use Duplicolor with polishes that don`t leave a lot of oils behind and use Rustoleum with any polish made by Meguairs. I do need to say that both products should be sprayed on the panel, left to dwell for a few seconds, wiped around with a mf towel that has been sprayed with used grease & wax remover, then leave product to dry, and then removed with a dampened mf towel as both products can be a bit grabby and cause towel marring with dry towels. I like to use a bucket of water to rinse out the mf towel in between panels and to keep said removal towel in. As well for future reference, Stoners Tar Grease & Sap Remover is a great and viable alternative to Carpro Tar-X.

04-23-2020, 09:43 AM
I`ll look for the Eagle One product. I am sure I could find the Meguiar`s and I know I have seen the GG Heavy Duty in AA. Just to be clear, it is safe to use these products on the paint?

This is a brand new car and to my knowledge, the only thing the dealer has done was wash it. If that is the case, is it safe to assume that the Eraser/Rustoleum/Duplicolor step isn`t quite as important? Not trying to take shortcuts here as I want to do what`s needed but I have never prepped a car for a wax/sealant like this before so just not sure.