View Full Version : Private Investigator

07-21-2006, 10:28 AM
Hey guys,

wanted to see if any of you guys had experience with Private Investigators. What should one look for.

I was working with a client early this morning who had a Private Eye with him who is gonna testify in court. This P.I. had soo much information on a certain individual and his actions it wasn`t even funny.

Seeing this got me thinking into it. No, this is not for my girlfriend or anything like that. Its for a private matter regarding an individual who has been making harrassing phone calls to my cell phone and has mentioned cases in which I have testified in court for...

I spoke to my mother and father (Attorneys in another office) about it, but their experience is limited. I do not want to approach my current attorney I work for just yet.

Any suggestions?

Dans Detailing
07-21-2006, 10:51 AM
Being in the intellegence field in the air force, I can tell you that if you choose a PI, make sure you check him out real well. Your best bet as a civilian is to pay the $50 online to get a full backgoudn and credit check on the potencial PI.