View Full Version : Meg`s black wax use question

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10-13-2019, 06:43 AM
I have some Meg`s balc wax I have used for the past year or so and I was going to use it but I have a question if I should.

I feel for the CG`s hype (or maybe not, I`m new with no real experience on good products yet, but that isn`t the point - the point and question is this

I have polished the paint and i currently have down a layer of


Followed by


Followed by


I would like to add a layer of wax over top for more shine, better protection, etc

I was going to use the black wax since it is designed for black vehicles. However, I`ve been reading this has abrasives and other cleaning properties / agents in it. If I used it am I negating the protection from my previous steps?

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10-13-2019, 11:35 AM
Astouffer512- Noting that I am utterly unfamiliar with the products you mentioned, IMO you answered your own Q once you mentioned those "abrasives and other cleaning properties/agents".

I will note that gee, you`re still trying to improve things after having already done so much after the correction! I sure hope this is a labor of love! I would`ve just corrected it, LSPed it (with one thing) and then stuck with just washing for a long time.

Mike lambert
10-13-2019, 03:44 PM
Please throw away that piece of marketing crap! You are working on clear! There is no such thing as wax made for black . If you want to wax over that combo, use a nice carnuba wax with no cleaners. By the way, you’ve already filled and hidden with the black light.

10-14-2019, 09:46 AM
Please throw away that piece of marketing crap! You are working on clear! There is no such thing as wax made for black . If you want to wax over that combo, use a nice carnuba wax with no cleaners. By the way, you’ve already filled and hidden with the black light.
Like said above....Marketing guys at work. Your working on getting the clear coat as smooth as possible so the paint pops/bings thru the clear coat. Use quality products to begin with, such as Wolfgangs uber followed by their finishing glaze. Use Griots m/f 5.5`` pads followed by a quality wax or sealant.

Billy Jack
10-14-2019, 12:58 PM
The White Wax /Black Wax duo from Meguiars isn`t really marketing crap. They are two different formulas, Black having a greater polishing oil content and White having less polishing oils and more abrasive content. It isn`t a situation with dyes or colorizers like some other brands. In any case, the Black Wax is a still a cleaner wax, so not a good choice for the final layer of a multi-step process.

10-14-2019, 01:00 PM
The White Wax /Black Wax duo from Meguiars isn`t really marketing crap...

Huh, I found that interesting, thanks for posting it.

Mike lambert
10-14-2019, 01:51 PM
It is marketing, how else do you explain it from a company that has several cleaner waxes already? It was declining sales at the time.

10-15-2019, 12:41 PM
It is marketing, how else do you explain it from a company that has several cleaner waxes already? It was declining sales at the time.
Well, sure it`s "Marketing", trying to appeal to people with white/black paint (especially the ignorant looking for miracle-cures). But that`s just same as anything else from companies that sell a variety of LSPs (or anything else). Otherwise companies would just sell one product that does it all to a given standard. Heh heh, Griot`s sells how many different waxes?!? (All of which are supposedly special.)

But whatever characteristic, or product description, prompts somebody to buy one-not-the other, I found it interesting that they formulate the "White" and "Black" versions differently in ways beyond added pigments. I`d just ASSumed there were no genuinely functional differences...I gotta watch that knee-jerk cynicism, although yeah that Extensive Product Line of theirs makes Meguiar`s an easy target.

Mike lambert
10-15-2019, 12:51 PM
They can say what they want, I know fro people it was strictly marketing due to sales. And yes Griot’s sells a few types of protection, synthetic or natural, and cleaner or not. I think it’s about 6 at most. Assuming you’re talking about non spray waxes or sealants. And I think Griot’s offers about 4? Oh and no spray coatings that are just legally coatings.

10-15-2019, 01:16 PM
Heh heh, I figure that every Detailing product on the market is there (or not) based on Sales, and that the Marketing of those products is intended soley to ensure that those products sell.

If something sells, for whatever reason, it stays; if something does not sell, for whatever reason, it`s gone, even if it was the Best Thing Ever.

It`s all Business, with the singular goal of making $. (And I`m certainly not saying that critically.)

They can say what they want, I know fro people it was strictly marketing due to sales.

Heh heh, since *everybody* in the business gets to "say whatever they want" I guess we get to choose which sources we (dis)believe, but when there are diffs in abrasiveness/oil content/etc. that sounds to me like (at least a nod to) a Functional Difference, even though in this case I consider it nonsense since "clearcoat is clearcoat" and I wouldn`t want any more abrasion on white than I would on black (ditto for the oils, but that`s just me and plenty of people do like oily LSPs on dark colors).

Billy Jack
10-15-2019, 05:12 PM
In response to your earlier post, here`s how the properties of the Black and White waxes differ from the base Cleaner Wax:

Marketing? Certainly! But even though I personally don`t use any of the three, I recommend them for the typical consumer who asks "What`s easy to put on and remove, but lasts a while?" Along with some of the Duragloss products, these are about as Bubba-proof as you can get, but unlike DG, available just about anywhere.


10-15-2019, 06:37 PM
The applicator that comes with the Meg`s White Wax is also different from the Black Wax. The White version is a double sided yellow foam on one side, and some type of white MF nap on the other.

The thing is that the white side is "more aggressive" (me thinks) to really go after "neglected" paint, i.e. as that found on my Jeep Cherokee.

Marketing hype? I was quite shocked at how effective the White Wax was, using that part of the applicator, on the Jeep! I`d be willing to bet the cost of a bottle/tub/whatever that the Black Wax with it`s own applicator, will NOT do the same on my Jeep. Any takers? [Though, what about using a similar applicator? hmmm. will it then just be the applicator doing the work?]

Here`s a video (yours truly, so expect lousy quality) showing the before and after. Start the video at about 7:11


10-16-2019, 12:04 AM
The applicator that comes with the Meg`s White Wax is also different from the Black Wax. The White version is a double sided yellow foam on one side, and some type of white MF nap on the other.

The thing is that the white side is "more aggressive" (me thinks) to really go after "neglected" paint, i.e. as that found on my Jeep Cherokee.

Marketing hype? I was quite shocked at how effective the White Wax was, using that part of the applicator, on the Jeep! I`d be willing to bet the cost of a bottle/tub/whatever that the Black Wax with it`s own applicator, will NOT do the same on my Jeep. Any takers? [Though, what about using a similar applicator? hmmm. will it then just be the applicator doing the work?]

Here`s a video (yours truly, so expect lousy quality) showing the before and after. Start the video at about 7:11


Great job !! Watched the video, there was definitely a big diff between the "Control " and the next Panel where you worked the White Wax by hand..
Thank you for doing that Just Jesus ! I am so proud of you !
I can`t even figure out how to post pics yet.. :(
Dan F

10-16-2019, 11:36 AM
Billy Jack & JustJesus- Thanks for the additional info.

And yeah, Jesus did great with that video.

For the average consumer going to Walmart, those products might be just great and the little diffs just might matter. While it`s hard to say just what *really* happened to make the test-spot look better (filling? actual correction?), the White Wax appeared to do more than the regular Cleaner Wax..uhm...what is it...A12?..does (or at least more than it ever did for me).

I can`t help but think of when my beloved Aunt Irene finally gave up M07 + M16 as her health failed, switching to Rain Dance (which actually worked quite well). She would`ve been the perfect Target Demographic for those products and would indeed have paid attention to the differing characteristics being discussed here.

There are far worse approaches than using a Cleaner Wax, which I`d top with a Straight Wax.

BUT, I bet you still have to keep products like that off trim if they`re like the A12, which would be murder to get off the black fender flares on the Jeep!

The Guz
10-16-2019, 12:27 PM
To add some more info on white wax vs black wax. White wax does indeed contain SMAT abrasives. Those abrasives happen to be the same as M101. White wax will have more correction and can be used on any paint color. It won`t turn the paint white and the black wax won`t turn the paint black. Black Wax is less abrasive but has more polishing oils to give that wetter look on darker paints. A12 does its job chemically.

Last I heard white wax was being discontinued for the new 3 in 1.