View Full Version : Another coating question - Kamikaze Miyabi vs. Miyabi + ISM vs. ?

09-13-2019, 04:11 AM
I posted a similar thread on Autogeek but was told that this is the better place for it :)

My car is currently coated with Polish Angel Cosmic - but after a DC driver decided to turn into my driver side it is time for a recoat. While I love PolishAngel I have not seen any reviews on the reformatted Cosmic, so I started looking at other coatings. I have settled on Miyabi - now the question is should I do Miyabi alone or Miyabi and ISM? The car is Iridium Silver.

Are there any other coatings I should consider? I loved Polish Angel for the waxed finish but anything will look good on Silver.

Thanks for the feedback.

09-13-2019, 06:00 AM
BudgetPlan1, come on over.

09-13-2019, 07:59 AM
I posted a similar thread on Autogeek but was told that this is the better place for it :)

My car is currently coated with Polish Angel Cosmic - but after a DC driver decided to turn into my driver side it is time for a recoat. While I love PolishAngel I have not seen any reviews on the reformatted Cosmic, so I started looking at other coatings. I have settled on Miyabi - now the question is should I do Miyabi alone or Miyabi and ISM? The car is Iridium Silver.

Are there any other coatings I should consider? I loved Polish Angel for the waxed finish but anything will look good on Silver.

Thanks for the feedback.

Regarding Polish Angel and Cosmic, I`m not sure the `old` Cosmic Spritz is really any different than the `new` Cosmic Spraycoat. I think they just kinda re-positioned it w/ the addition of the Primer Spritz as a coating `system`. The below is the answer I got from Polish Angel:

Hi Sir,

thank you for you`re inquiry!

1. Will the new Cosmic Spritz/Spray Coating work as previous Cosmic Spritz? Esoteric recommends using Cosmic Spritz on top of our STEK PPF they applied to our new car in Spring 2019 and it’s been working delightfully. To maintain this regimen, continue using the new Cosmic Spray Coating like I did the previous Cosmic Spritz?
Yes, from application and finish no difference, between the (sic) oly and news COSMIC SPRITZ.

2. Will you continue with the old version of Cosmic V2 in the bottle or is it being replaced by the new Cosmic Spray Coating?

- V2 will are still produced for professional and used customers and can ordered via store if your using search field.
- V1 have to be manually ordered via e-mail.

With best regards,

Not truly definitive as he does not say the "Old Cosmic Spritz is the same as new Cosmic Spraycoat" but that`s the impression I got. Dunno for sure, sometimes I get things a bit, uh...wrong.

As for Kamikaze, been noodling around with those products since 2016, has become my coating of choice. Which certainly doesn`t make it the best coating in all the kingdom (IMO there is no universal `best`) but its strengths address the particular `wants` I have in a coating so it works very well for me. As with anything this subjective, opinions vary and other folks choices are just as valid as mine, there are no absolutes that I`ve found.

2 coats of Miyabi will give you a somewhat sharp and reflective gloss/shine. I think the predicted longevity (always up for debate based upon climate, vehicle usage patterns and maintenance) is 18-24 months.

2 coats of Miyabi topped with 1 coat of ISM will tone down the sharp reflectivity of Miyabi alone, adding a bit of a deeper, warmer, wax-like glow. Predicted longevity is 24-36 months. I had this combo on our 2016 Honda Civic (Aegean Blue Metallic) and 2017 Honda Accord (black). The addition if ISM (or ISM alone) also really accentuates the metallic in paint, a very nice look. I had it on my 2016 Crystal Black Silica Subaru WRX which had so much metallic in the paint it often nearly looked dusty and the ISM on top of Miyabi was truly mesmerizing, the metallic almost gave the impression of floating in the paint. Really cool.

They`ve also now split ISM into 2 separate and distinct versions, ISM 1.0 (which I used) and ISM 2.0, the differences of which can be found in this video: https://youtu.be/tqHOAUlBXEk

They`ve also come out with Zipang (June 2018), which kinda has the look of ISM 2.0 w/ a little more candy-type gloss and some other beneficial properties as well. Just did a new-to-us car with Zipang-Miyabi-Zipang last weekend and it`s beautiful:


Also re-did the 2016 Civic with Zipang-Miyabi-Zipang at the beginning of summer and it`s quite nice:


These cars also have a layer of Kamikaze Infinity Wax on top of the coatings so that add`s a bit of a `relaxed high gloss` look to the mix as well. It`s a hybrid carnauba/glass coating infused wax that is compatible with the coatings so no harm, no foul on wax on top of a coating in this case, which is nice cuz sometimes it`s just plain fun to wax a car.

As for true longevity vs claimed longevity, you`ll never know for sure how durability will really turn out until you actually try it in your climate and your situation. Some things can be estimated by finding others experiences in similar conditions and usage but that`s still just an educated guess.

We have 2 cars with considerably different usage patterns; both protected have been done originally with the same set of coatings, Miyabi x 2, ISM x 1, maintained with Overcoat. Usually once a year I`d drop a coat of Infinity Wax on them mostly for fun, but also gives another glossy dimension (however subtle, may be all in my mind) to the surface and maybe a touch more protection.

1. At 3 years, 17k miles, Car 1 was still performing (w/ regards to coating) at about 85% `as applied` before I removed and redid in Zipang-Miyabi. Originally applied in 10/2016.

2. At 2 years, 42k miles, Car 2 was in need of re-polishing and re-coating. Originally applied around July 2017, re-did this about 2 months ago.

1. Car 1 is about 5500 miles a year, no freeway, sits outside from April thru November, short trips, no freeway.

2. Car 2 is year round daily driver, garaged nightly for first 2 years of it`s life, 25k miles a year, 95% freeway. This car gets some *hard* use.

Both are in NE Ohio.

Same protection, varying usage far different likely outcomes. Freeway use, especially during winter, is very, very hard on a vehicles finish. Road salt, brine, chemical de-icers, road grime ain`t good for anything regarding a cars finish. Merely sitting outside in the elements has little effect on (this particular coating) coating degradation.

Point being, no claims listed on a box can even begin to adequately predict longevity. It`s the ultimate YMMV scenario. And in NE Ohio, longevity based merely on the passage of time is a poor barometer of coating performance. Heck, I can take a 6-month `coating-lite` product like Gyeon CanCoat, plop it on a car that only goes out in nice weather 3 months of the year and it`ll last for years.

Regardless, in my experience the Miyabi-ISM combo met the expectations (and perhaps exceeded them w/ respect to miles) on Car #2, my 2017 black Honda Accord Coupe. IMO, it exceeded them on wife`s 2016 Civic (Car #1) The Civic likely woulda made another year or two of decent coating performance but I removed to re-do in Miyabi-Zipang just because I wanted to.

You can read more about some of the other reasons and products I`ve used here if you`re so inclined: https://budgetplan1.wordpress.com/glass-quartz-ceramic-coatings/

It`s worth noting that I`m not a pro, have no vested interest in what anyone uses and what you may get from anything I describe is certainly no `written in stone` fact but rather opinions I`ve developed through using the products.

If you want some more information (and likely facts as opposed to my opinions) I`d suggest contacting the folks at the US Vendor (Esoteric); they`re very nice and accommodating folks who are better positioned to steer you in the right direction based on far more extensive experience than mine. Much of this stuff I`m just making up as I go along, sometimes in a `2 steps forward, 1 step back` fashion. And as with anything, YMMV.

Hope this helps...or at the very least doesn`t confuse you and muddy the waters even further :lol:

To be honest, of all the coatings I`ve tried, there were really no bad products but some did particular things a little better/different than others so I went with the one (s) that excelled in areas I found important and everybody has different wants & needs. But when ya find something that works well for you, it`s pretty darn cool.

Mike lambert
09-13-2019, 09:18 AM
If you mentioned Kamikaze on autogeek, watch out for the nasty gram!

09-13-2019, 11:34 AM
I steered him here... but no one had made a huge deal about it as of this morning.

09-13-2019, 11:52 AM
I steered him here... but no one had made a huge deal about it as of this morning.

They don`t seem to be quite as attentive as in the past but I went on vacation once for mentioning Overcoat. No big deal, their sandbox, their rules. Doesn`t seem as closely monitored these days.

09-13-2019, 07:15 PM
Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback. I really appreciate it.

I admire the thoroughness of your reviews BudgePlan1 - very informative indeed. I mainly consider coating back-up protections for my cars. My wife and I both commute by car and use our daily drivers rain or shine - with the DC area the weather can be quite sucky in the winter time - they tend to oversalt.

I usually wash the cars by hand about every three weeks and I usually put a wax or some other topper.

09-14-2019, 01:11 AM
Yeah may be more laxed. I heard it hyping up ammo frothe and have mentioned OC several time. No penalties yet. I buy 85% of my stuff from AG and basically only buy megs ultimate wheel cleaner and my Cosmic from other vendors (would buy Cosmic their if they carried 500ml bottles). I’m an overcoat fan (thanks Budget). plays well with CQUARTZ 3.0 and will be ordering OCV3 once the bottle runs out.

Question Budget how was the Kami coatings for high spots (only issue I had with Cquk3.0)?

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09-16-2019, 07:19 AM
Question Budget how was the Kami coatings for high spots (only issue I had with Cquk3.0)?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Given the forgiving nature of Miyabi & ISM 1.0, high spots are generally not an issue if you`re paying a reasonable amount of attention. ISM 2.0 requires a bit more attention, harder to work with than ISM 1.0.

Zipang is much like ISM 1.0 and I did leave a high spot on the Cayman bumper (always the last section of the last coat I often seem to be a bit lax/tired) but it was easily removed the next day with no visible issues. Used a bit of Scholl S40 on a 600 GSM plush microfiber and lightly dragged over surface, seemed to blend well.