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View Full Version : New Vehicle and Duragloss Restores the lousy detail job

07-14-2019, 07:13 AM
Hello All - I have been learning so much on this site in the month that I have been on here, and see so many great people who are so far beyond me, I rarely post and just absorb the information you experts have to share. But I have to tell you a short story about my new XT4 which I love dearly. I opted for the Twilight Blue because even though it is the most popular color out there, it looked so good in the ads. I bought the car from a dealership 35 miles away in another state, a sister dealership whose Infiniti shop I cannot say more great things about. They offered to deliver me the vehicle late last month and I was ecstatic. Of course they had freshly detailed, and like a dope I didnt look closely at the paint and signed the paperwork. I will say I have used many cleansers and polishes over the years until a few years ago when I stumbled upon Duragloss, but dont take this as a sales pitch please. I use their products for everything tho. Anyway after the first wash and dry, I noticed in a few days imprints of leaves, bugs and other debris, and when I tried to wash it off, it was very difficult. I was pretty angry. I called my dealership and my salesman told me, "just buy a claybar and use it on your car and that should take care of it." Now I have a very good friend who is a professional detailer who hit the ceiling when he heard this and said I was not experienced enough to use a claybar and to call the dealership back and have the car brought back in and have the paint checked and redetailed if needed.

I talked to Jerry at Duragloss who has always given me sound advice and he recommended me trying his #2 cleanser (like a soft polishing compound) and then his polish and I just finished the other day. I think it did the trick. Thanks Jerry

I am furious that one can spend good money on his first new car at 49 being disabled with Parkinson`s and them suggesting I should go out of my way to attempt to do this when I have no experience. Anyway, this will be my 10 yr car, so I want to treat her right. Just an experience to share with you all

07-14-2019, 08:14 AM
I disagree with your detailer friend. There is nothing simpler than using a clay bar and literally hundreds of videos showing the novice how to do it. The salesman was a bit cheeky and should have handed your complaint off to the correct authority. It`s very likely that they would have mucked up the finish and made it even worse so it`s good that you went the Duragloss route.

07-14-2019, 08:57 AM
Thank you - I am going to look up some of these videos in case the issue occurs again, as I am not sure if these things do or not

07-14-2019, 10:36 AM
First of all, sorry to hear about your situation with Parkinsons. I`ve known several people in my life afflicted with it, and have seen it`s symptoms firsthand. Consider yourself added to my prayer list. The sales person at the dealership should be fired....that takes some serious stones not to own their mistake and make zero effort to rectify it, although going back there may have made it worse. Using a clay bar or clay mitt is not rocket science, but your situation combined with the fact that the car is brand new probably contributed to your detailer friend`s response. Kudos to you for reaching out to Duragloss, and kudos for them for pointing you in the right direction. I wish you much enjoyment with your new ride.

Sizzle Chest
07-14-2019, 11:48 AM
Congrats on the new car and I am glad it`s looking good!!!

07-14-2019, 06:36 PM
Clay is easy to use but you can create some damage if you don`t use it correctly, or drop it and continue to use it. A clay towel is a bit easier to use, works more quickly and can be rinsed if dropped.

Either will be great if you take some time to learn how to use them.

DG does make some awesome products!