View Full Version : Boxing towels, by the job rather than by the towel type

07-08-2019, 07:29 AM
So I`ve got a working garage with no room and lots of machines that grind/cut/sand etc. I keep my cleaning towels in the basement for obvious reasons.

I was washing up the wife`s DD after supper yesterday, anyway, after the 3rd or 4th trip to the basement for different towels as I got father into the job than I thought I would it occurred to me that maybe I`m boxing my towels wrong
Instead of boxes with waffle weaves, utility towels, single soft, glass, etc I should be boxing them by the car.

One box with 2 waffle weaves, 2 glass towels, 3 utility (door jamb & rims) towels. etc

Bring the box outside and I`ve got everything I`d normally use for the job,

Anyway, although I wish they were handier, they are not and these are the kinds of things I think about when washing the cars..... I need to get out more :)

07-08-2019, 10:07 AM
Sometimes necessity is the mother of invention.

Your idea for having set of towels in ONE container for a specific car when cleaning it or detailing it makes good sense.
The problem might be if you identical type and color microfiber towels for TWO DIFFERENT detailing tasks that you could use the wrong towel for the task. (Yes, that is getting Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (I substitute the word "Detailing" instead) or OCD), which is why many detailers use specific-colored microfiber cloths for specific detailing tasks so as not to cross contaminate them with car-care cleaning chemicals/products or risk using them for the wrong task.

Being organized is good way to avoid possible detailing gaffes/snafus/problems, but then I am reminded that chaos is just a higher form of order (at least in the natural world/realm.)

FYI, if you ever need suggestions for what type of microfibers to use for specific detailing task, please see the thread I started on this subject:

tom p.
07-08-2019, 10:33 AM
I think whatever you consider convenient, Mooser, is what you should follow. I keep my drying towels in one large plastic container and all other MF towels in a different box. That`s been fine for me, but I have shelving and adequate space in the garage.

07-08-2019, 11:57 AM
I think whatever you consider convenient, Mooser, is what you should follow.

That`s what I was thinking too :D

Mooser- FWIW, I have my towels stored by application/purpose:

-Good cotton towels/mitts/pads of all types
-Not-so-good cotton towels
-Glass towels
-Good MF buffing towels
-Not-so-good MF buffing/general purpose towels/pads
-MF Drying towels
-MF Washing towels/mitts

All in dedicated/color-coded Rubbermaid trash cans on wheeled bases.

In a situation like yours, I`d still do it that way, but I`d gather up what I`ll need for the day`s work into a tote or something and take that to the garage. If doing more than a wash, I`d probably want a tote for each major step (washing/drying stuff; polishing stuff; etc.).

07-08-2019, 02:41 PM
Interesting idea! Maybe a 2 gallon ziploc would be easier for me, but would take up much less room than the 4 storage boxes (wash, dry, glass, polish/wax removal, + extra applicators) and 2 reusable grocery bags of `work` towels (and 1 more bag for the dirty towels).

07-08-2019, 03:46 PM
I`ve been running boxes divided by towel (type) forever. I`d have to look but I`m thinking there`s 10 or 12 boxes of various towels in various states (new-ish > good > utility) like most everyone does it

Thinking since yesterday, even when I know I`m doing a full go, it`s take each box and grab a few into my carry pail and put the box back, grab the next box and repeat, for me, the only time this actually makes sense is when I`m taking the towels out of the dryer to put away... :)

Never even thought about it until yesterday when a quick wipe down became a full go and needed multiple trips to the basement grumbling that I need to get the towels into the garage and trying to think of a cabinet or something when this idea popped into my head instead.
Next time I do a wash I`m going to give it a try and see what kind of a mess it turns into just for $hits and Giggles.

BTW, wifes car got a coat of Turtle wax sealer spray so we`ll see how that goes

07-09-2019, 02:54 PM
Mooser- My Rubbermaid Trash Can approach probably isn`t right for everybody, but I do find that it keeps them from getting contaminated by "shop crap". It`s just so easy to wipe the (closed) cans off and the abrasive stuff never makes it inside them since the lids do that "snap shut" thing.