View Full Version : I found a few of these spots on my paint and I can`t seem to get them off

07-01-2019, 09:23 AM
I`ve tried using quick detailer, degreaser, clay bar, even a razor blade with lubrication and even that was a pain. Any ideas?


Mike lambert
07-01-2019, 09:44 AM
Any painting going on near you?

07-01-2019, 12:19 PM
Did that vehicle run over some road paint recently ? Anything on any of the tires?
Enlarged the pic and it looks like some type of paint..
Do you have any mineral spirits and a Q-tip ?
I would never put a razor blade to paintwork..
Dan F

Mike lambert
07-02-2019, 02:19 PM
You could also try 3M adhesive remover and a plastic razor blade.

07-02-2019, 08:53 PM
I’ve seen pine tar look like that, but it takes awhile for it to turn that color. If you do use a razor blade make sure it’s the plastic type. You still will have residue remaining. If it’s paint, the residue will buff away with a polish. Just be careful spot buffing by hand. You can go through the clearcoat easier than you think (I did it). Something like Klasse AOI is safer than a polish when trying to remove residue by hand.

07-03-2019, 10:20 AM
You could also try 3M adhesive remover and a plastic razor blade.

That`s what I`d try since the clay didn`t work, either that or the Mineral Spirits. I`d saturate a paper towel/etc. with the solvent and use something to prop/hold that against the stuff so it has a longer dwell-time.

07-03-2019, 11:15 AM
It reminds me of what vines leave behind when you pull them off the wall.

07-03-2019, 11:57 AM
Or the stuff some wasp`s nests are made of.