View Full Version : Vendors should let you know of Backorder.

07-17-2006, 12:08 PM
Do you guys think Venfors should elt you know if an item is on backorder before you place the order. I recently was browsing a site that sells Classic Austin Cooper accessories and saw a nice small model of an older mini..The site did not say anywhere that the product was on back order and even decided to place my order of the phone. I spoke to the sales rep and placed the order. A little while later I get an email with my receipt and next to the item it says (on backorder) with an estimated delivery date of August 12th. WTF! I would`ve just gone down the street to my local hobby shop and ordered it through them...

07-17-2006, 12:27 PM
Do you guys think Venfors should elt you know if an item is on backorder before you place the order. I recently was browsing a site that sells Classic Austin Cooper accessories and saw a nice small model of an older mini..The site did not say anywhere that the product was on back order and even decided to place my order of the phone. I spoke to the sales rep and placed the order. A little while later I get an email with my receipt and next to the item it says (on backorder) with an estimated delivery date of August 12th. WTF! I would`ve just gone down the street to my local hobby shop and ordered it through them...

Totally agree with you they should tell you up front and NOT take your cash until they are ready to ship

Tex Star Detail
07-17-2006, 01:24 PM
I agree with you.
My Home Vac broke a few weeks back...the roller brush to be exact, so I called a vac repair place here in town, and they have it cheaper than anyone. So I order it. A week goes by with no call, so I call them, and they siad it will be here on so and so.....
That date came and went, so I called again and got the same line. Go figure.

Just the other day, I called again to see if it was in, They said the order was JUST processed and it will be here FRIDAY....TODAY IS MONDAY>>>

Still no part. Called them back, and they said that they needed to purchase $"X" amount of product before they can even order through their supplier. So it was like they had to hold out until they came up with enough orders...
THAT WAS Freaked up. I was HOT!!!!!!! They could have told me that in the first place.....

So now...I am ordering through someone else. I will get a refund and make them eat the loss.....

07-17-2006, 01:49 PM
Wow, in the middle of this thread I decided to place an order with properautocare.com for a bottle of the "po134567890" (i dunno) ceramic finishing polish that scores for 50 bucks. I get a call 20 minutes later from someone at properautocare.com to let me know that their product is on backorder. My luck huh. Two in a day.

The person did help me out. He let me know that he had one bottle of polish in his warehouse but that the label is all scratched up but the polish if fine. I said sure. Even after I agreed without hassle, he bumped off 10 bucks off the order. Thats taking care of the customer...Even though it would be nice to have known if it was on backorder.

07-17-2006, 02:05 PM
It has happened to me too. Unfortunately inventory isn`t always accurate (or maybe it is but with a scratched label :D ). At least you are finding out quickly, and not when the order arrives to you.
I have had that happen to me in the past.


07-17-2006, 05:02 PM
It has happened to me too. Unfortunately inventory isn`t always accurate (or maybe it is but with a scratched label :D ). At least you are finding out quickly, and not when the order arrives to you.
I have had that happen to me in the past.


I dont think I have had a negetive experience with backorder.

When I ordered my makita 9227c from dwayne a year ago he let me know a day after that they had just been backordered. He let me know when they would be in so I was cool with that. Even though I was totally ok with the delay Dwayne through in extra goodies to make up for it. Great Service!


07-17-2006, 05:43 PM
Wow, in the middle of this thread I decided to place an order with properautocare.com for a bottle of the "po134567890" (i dunno) ceramic finishing polish that scores for 50 bucks. I get a call 20 minutes later from someone at properautocare.com to let me know that their product is on backorder. My luck huh. Two in a day.

The person did help me out. He let me know that he had one bottle of polish in his warehouse but that the label is all scratched up but the polish if fine. I said sure. Even after I agreed without hassle, he bumped off 10 bucks off the order. Thats taking care of the customer...Even though it would be nice to have known if it was on backorder.

Did you happen to place any orders with a company recently that had a UPS tracking number for your order less than 30 minutes from the time your order was placed? :dnaughty

07-17-2006, 05:58 PM
originally posted by: Gregcavi
I dont think I have had a negetive experience with backorder.
For the most part you wouldn`t, but it does become an issue when the holiday season starts to come around, or you depend on it to do a job...then it`s a biggie

Originally posted by: Dwayne
Did you happen to place any orders with a company recently that had a UPS tracking number for your order less than 30 minutes from the time your order was placed?
Thats the beauty of the internet, you can find out quickly and make aternate plans if need be. I found out in less than an hour that something that I was giving as a Christmas gift last year was out of stock and I was able to cancel that order and get something else in time, so I still looked good :D


07-17-2006, 06:52 PM
Not to be a party pooper and this might as well be another thing or two i can learn here, in some cases not all ,but when the tracking #`s are sent out at lighting speed dosen`t this mean the shipper has notified UPS for a parcel pick up. I only ask because i sometimes receive this kind of info with my emails when purchasing on line.

i have no doubt Anthony package was packed and shipped pronto.

07-17-2006, 07:16 PM
Did you happen to place any orders with a company recently that had a UPS tracking number for your order less than 30 minutes from the time your order was placed? :dnaughty

YEA I DID ACTUALLY. Awesome company. Always puts their best foot forward.

How in the heck did you get a tracking number soo quickly?

BTW: Dwayne was NOT one of the companys that backordered my product.

07-17-2006, 07:27 PM
How in the heck did you get a tracking number soo quickly?

Right place, right time, right product. We just happened to have your order in stock and if the items are in stock, we ship as fast as we can.

I know that our biggest struggle as a business is keeping all 1000+ part #`s in stock all the time. As we grow (and for those that don`t know, I essentially had to start my business all over this past April) we reinvest into the company by purchasing more inventory and backorders become less of an occurence.

Our site is not setup to show whether an item is in or out of stock and it makes us work hard to either have the items in stock or be able to obtain them fast or have them drop shipped very quickly.

I do agree that if someone takes an order by phone, the customer should be made aware if the desired item is out of stock.

07-17-2006, 08:57 PM
That’s what I hate about Adam’s Polish. You order it on the net, and then the next day they will send an e-mail saying its backorder. That SUX! And far as DC, a few weeks ago I order a cutting pad; it was at my house in less then a week. That what I call service!
PS This is when I found out about this forum.