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05-01-2019, 02:37 PM
And wet sanded the factory installed orange peel of my 2016 Audi A5. Here is what I did, as described to my son earlier today:

I wet sanded by hand the paint on the car using 2000 grit using a hard rubber block, and kept at it until I could see the “peaks” comprising the orange peel were reduced to nothing (analogy would be bulldozing mountains until they were reduced to the level of the valleys). Then I went over the area again using 2500 grit to remove the 2000 grit scratches. Once a body panel had been done with
2500, I used a powered polisher with 5000 grit to level any remaining irregularities.

After that I used power polisher with coarse pad and liquid polish to remove the 5000 grit scratches, then medium and finally fine. After doing the entire car excluding the front (too many stone bruises, tight curves, difficult to reach areas) and roof ( no orange peel) I applied the CQUARTZ protective glass (SiO2 and TiO2) shiney stuff.

Yes, I had polished the paint before, but it only reduced the orange peel, not eliminated it. Then used the glass coating. Internet research told me that the only way to eliminate orange peel from “mature” paint was to wet sand. Professional detailers have access to 75 gallon or larger air compressors to run air tools for fast turn around. My compressor is only 25 gallon, which is only good for 1-2 minutes of sanding. My option was to do it by hand, besides I could better control working the convex and concave profiles in the body work without cutting through the clear coat.

All told, it took 5-6 weeks to remove orange peel, weather permitting (some days rainy, others too cold). I had to redo a couple of spots because of residual scratch visibility after final polishing or incomplete orange peel removal.

All that made the car paint look like a mirror, which was my intended result. I’m lucky to have the time to do it and Audi clear coat is one of the toughest and thickest in the whole automotive industry, so there was little risk to remove too much, which would have resulted in a visit to a body shop to repair the color layer and respraying the clear coat layers.

Pix to follow, once I get instruction from admins about posting pix that don`t say "Upload failed"

05-01-2019, 03:09 PM
Can`t wait to see the pix. I`m surprised you had orange peel. I haven`t done any recent Audis but the older ones I have done (newest was `12) had pretty flat paint, at least compared to some other brands.

05-01-2019, 03:41 PM
I have never detailed an Audi with orange peel..
Perhaps the paint robot blew too much air and not enough wet coats ?
Were you able to measure the total paint thickness in Microns before and during this laborious task ?
Dan F

05-01-2019, 05:05 PM
I`d never wet sand factory clear again. I wetsanded my TA Ram Air hood and several years later the clear failed. I just don`t think it`s worth the risk if you plan on keeping the car for 8-10 years.

05-01-2019, 05:35 PM
Did you buy it new?

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05-01-2019, 09:56 PM
Vehicle was bought new. I saw the OP on it at purchase but said to myself, I can and will get rid of it. Took me a couple of years to fail at other methods before attacking it with sandpaper.

Now can anyone instruct me on how to post images and what size constraints the site requires? Or point me to the instructions. The site`s webmaster is not responding to my queries for information/rules - pretty "bush league" if you get right down to the nitty gritty!

05-01-2019, 09:59 PM
pix upload still fails as described earlier, both are <= 6MB jpg`s

05-02-2019, 02:30 AM
Vehicle was bought new. I saw the OP on it at purchase but said to myself, I can and will get rid of it. Took me a couple of years to fail at other methods before attacking it with sandpaper.

Now can anyone instruct me on how to post images and what size constraints the site requires? Or point me to the instructions. The site`s webmaster is not responding to my queries for information/rules - pretty "bush league" if you get right down to the nitty gritty!

Easiest way is to download tapa talk app to phone or pad. Can upload pics direct.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Setec Astronomy
05-02-2019, 07:20 AM
You need to resize your pics. I forget what the limit is, but it`s a lot less than 6Mb. I usually resize down to 768 pixels wide. I use Microsoft Office Picture Manager because I have it.

05-02-2019, 08:30 AM
You can use a photo hosting site to post from also. I use two different ones.

Here is one from photobucket.

And here is one from smugmug


05-02-2019, 09:28 AM
Very nice!

Great job!


05-02-2019, 03:02 PM

Pix are finally here

05-02-2019, 03:05 PM
Ended up shrinking long side to 768 @ 72 dpi

05-03-2019, 12:31 PM
GonzoBernelli- Looks great, that must`ve been quite a job! I do hope you have enough clear left for long-term durability and future correction, but understand that many aren`t as concerned about that as I am.

.... I`m surprised you had orange peel. I haven`t done any recent Audis but the older ones I have done (newest was `12) had pretty flat paint, at least compared to some other brands.

Huh, interesting! All of our Audis (and that`s quiet a few), from the `80s through the `01 S8, have had significant orangepeel, and it`s simply *awful* on the S8. It`s a little better on the A8 even though they were from the same plant and were done with the then-All That robotic systems.

The newer ones we`ve had as Service Loaners were much better, no comparison really.

No, I`ve never leveled it as I need the clear to last indefinitely.

05-03-2019, 04:40 PM
I much rather have the flat paint than the OP. My S6 was covered, but not as bad as my A5, but my RS7 was almost completely flat but for one body panel. As to UV damage I`ve chosen to believe the CQUARTZ propaganda.